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marco.is.not.80 last won the day on May 3 2018

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  1. good luck - if you do it I look forward to seeing your scores. Will set records for sure.
  2. You mean you wanna replace the memory with the stuff on the 4080 Super? Not only difficult but expensive :-)
  3. Nice job, man... who will blow their 4090 first? ;-)
  4. I'm close to LA but if I push any harder I will probably burn my house down. I don't know how you run you memory so high - even with more volts I can't get past 1500.
  5. I see - I assumed the absence of the specific text implied that it was mandatory. Of course, I think I tend to just look at the screenshot and not much else. Thanks for pointing that out. Well now I know 🙂
  6. Can someone help me understand why - for example the Port Royal requirements of showing two separate tabs of GPU-Z - one with initial information and the other tab showing all the hardware sensors - there are so many entries that still only show one tab? I always thought that the required information had a red box around it and anything with a green box was a suggestion (or maybe it is the other way around) and if there were no red or green boxes than everything is mandatory. So how is a submission valid without both tabs? I'm not trying to start trouble - in fact I'm thinking that I'm totally misunderstanding the requirements myself wouldn't mind knowing so I don't state something that isn't true. Thanks in advance! Marco
  7. Thanks Papusan, This one has ECC on: https://hwbot.org/submission/5752265
  8. This is from the rules page for this benchmark. Not sure why yours is allowed to stay - I know why mine doesn't - but it was an honest mistake. So don't try and suggest I was "slipping one through" - I'm not Russian.
  9. Again, just to be clear, I didn't report yours for old 3dmark version. I could care less. It was that your sceenshot didn't follow the rules.
  10. Honest mistake. Thanks for catching it, Papusan. I had ECC on but then when I flashed to new BIOS it obviously didn't carry over. I can't imagine I'm the first one to have done this.
  11. ASUS 1000W BIOS, 2.5 Degree chilled water and an incredible fear that this would be the end of my 4090 ;-) But woohoo my first Hall of Fame entry! (for as long as it might last)
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