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Blue Storm

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Everything posted by Blue Storm

  1. You're very probably right, I thought I used this kit because of the photo... Well I can check next weekend with 3770K (I already don't have anything with DDR3 since I am out of OC)... thanks!
  2. Hey guys, your help is needed. Today I've found totally forgotten Super Talent Elpida Hyper MGH-E kit, the first real OC kit I've ever bought. It is PN WP200UX4GB. To be honest, I don't even know true potential of this kit. Below you can find some results I posted using them. For what price you think is possible to sell them? Thanks everybody! https://hwbot.org/submission/2172680_blue_storm_superpi___1m_phenom_ii_x4_955_be_10sec_578ms https://hwbot.org/submission/2217580_blue_storm_superpi___1m_fx_6100_11sec_828ms https://hwbot.org/submission/2217581_blue_storm_superpi___32m_fx_6100_12min_28sec_766ms (photo is mine)
  3. Heyo, I dunno if it's still active, but I have old Super Talent 2x 2GB kit (WP200UX4GB) which has MGH-E. I've just recently found out that I still have them I have some results with them here, but to be honest, I don't know their true potential. Let me know if you would be interested and how much you would offer. I am from Czech Republic https://hwbot.org/submission/2172680_blue_storm_superpi___1m_phenom_ii_x4_955_be_10sec_578ms https://hwbot.org/submission/2217580_blue_storm_superpi___1m_fx_6100_11sec_828ms https://hwbot.org/submission/2307332_blue_storm_superpi___32m_core_i5_3570k_7min_2sec_563ms https://hwbot.org/submission/2217581_blue_storm_superpi___32m_fx_6100_12min_28sec_766ms
  4. Hey guys, after I gave up overclocking, I am selling this sweet memory kit, maybe one of the best DDR3 kits ever. I have full 4x 4GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 2666C10 kit with totally new original cooler (was never used). I never had them under LN2, just with air cooling and never pushed them far. In last year I was using them in secondary PC and all four modules are working without problem. The kit should be under Corsair lifetime warranty, but I can't guarantee that. Price is 200€ (including shipping around Europe) and I will also give this Voltcraft thermometer for free with it: https://www.conrad.com/ce/en/product/123402/Thermometer-VOLTCRAFT-PL-120-T2-200-up-to-1372-C-Sensor-type?queryFromSuggest=true I accept payments through PayPal.. If you would have any questions, just let me know!
  5. Seems that this weather likes you and wants to be with you whole summer:D
  6. Worse (or better?), it's breast-feeding room:D
  7. Yep, saw it at Tayouan Airport...very funny place:DAlso self check-in counters by Eva Air made in Hello Kitty style are very funny...it seems that asians like Hello Kitty:D
  8. Damn...I saw you at TPE City Hall station...first I thought that this guy is quite weird to be asian...wanted to have photo with you, but you just got to metro train and went away:( By the way, we collected all babes photos (deleted bad photos or bad girls:D) and made some galleries...so enjoy: http://www.extrahardware.com/article/computex-2013-babes-have-rest-and-enjoy-exotic-beauty (Vatyn rocks:nana:)
  9. Blue Storm

    Elmor ...

    ^^Roman lol:D
  10. I see you had fun there:D
  11. Wild overclockers appeared to the GB factory tour:woot:
  12. Anyone at Be Quiet party today?
  13. We have more photos of babes than photos of new HW:D
  14. And HiCookie something like "Wth is this?!":D //By the way today is very nice weather:nana:
  15. Sorry guys that I didn't come to Tavern...we were all tired as hell and I was happy to go to sleep:(
  16. hmm landing on monday at 7pm so optimal time to check at the hotel and get to GB party in Tavern:)
  17. Hey guys, just watching Revolution today and found "Massman" playing one role:D
  18. Hey guys, small question...I will have grounded power cable for notebook...but can I use non-grounded reduction or do I need grounded reduction? Thanks for answer
  19. Will be on factory tour too...:woot:
  20. Count me in...departing from Vienna 02/06 and arriving Taipei 03/06 17:05 (we will put our baggage to the hotel and go to Gigabyte party I think)...departing Taiwan 13/06...
  21. It will depend on the date but I would definitely like to come:)
  22. Totally agree. Wasn't the idea of overclocking earlier in tweaking, modding and so on? I like competitions where is eg. CPU freq limited instead of "fullout" competitions. Why? Because "fullout" competitions are only about money and sponsorship, nothing more. Who has the best chip he wins. In "limited" competitions you can have best CPU in the world but the main idea of these competitions is in skills, not in money/sponsors. Then you can see who really deserves to be "Pro" because he can beat others with skills (tweaking OS, knowing issues in some benchmarks - eg. 3DMark 01 - etc...). That's the real overclocking in my opinion. I don't say that world records made by top dogs like Vince, Andre, HiCookie, etc. should be removed. I know that these guys are high skilled and they really know how to bench but it's also a little unfair towards overclockers who have to buy expensive hardware to do nice scores (and also they need to have good luck in buying) or also towards guys who have some support by some manufacturers but not like "top dogs" (I mean eg. binning 100 chips...) who are often working for GB, EVGA, ASUS, MSI, etc.. I have some support from manufacturers but it's nothing more than one not binned CPU (so I need luck) and older GPU because MSI can't give/borrow me HD 7970 Lightning for extreme overclocking...and because I am poor student I am unable to atack top results So my suggestion is...why not to divide "fullout" top scores from Pro rankings? and Pro rankings can be based on competitions with some limitations...vendors will have their world records and also they will be able to see in Pro rankings what guys are skilled and should be supported to reach top scores In Italy extreme overclocking died...in Czech Republic is slowly dying despite our effort (organizing workshops and other events for enthusiasts to get them into extreme overclocking community)...only about four or five guys in Czech Republic are barely active
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