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Everything posted by Brolloks

  1. Very nice Nick, the CUII on dice right?
  2. Does that mean you are considering our plea here to allow her back in our team?...I sincerely hope so.
  3. Exactly, sharing results or hardware = cheating or how else is it classified. Dejo's Daughter cannot join OCF because of perceived hardware sharing = perceived cheating...or tell me where we have a reading comprehension problem here??
  4. Mark, please man, what rules did they break...where is the proof of hardware sharing, massman said numerous times they are NOT being accused of cheating? Seriously ... I cannot believe you cannot see this !!
  5. I have yet to see anyone posting in this thread that they find the two accounst and their owners suspicious, I ask anyone who sits on that bench to please post here...or is the bench only occupied by one individual?
  6. So what is the difference accusing someone of cheating or voicing your perception that that person might be cheating? Why on earth are we taking decisions on how people might perceive actions, what happened to good intentions and respecting people's intentions?
  7. Would you please explain how that would make the wrong decision you made right? You know this has not only left a young bencher discouraged but it is leaving a very bad taste in my team's mouth, how can rules be taken down by mere suspicions as it was in this case. If organizations are run on suspicions rather than rules would the world not be a mess or what???
  8. Thank you very much, maybe massman can see the light after reading this 100 tiimes
  9. Who is this "we"?? You dont get it, I said I dont care about the team points, she has chosen to be with the OCF team, why cant her boints go to the team she has chosen?
  10. The problem here is that this is being deemed unacceptable based solely on appearances....if this unwritten policy against appearances was applied to all of HWBOT right now, it would be a bloody nightmare...and a large number of submissions would need serious attention.
  11. It is a big deal as you (massman) is questioning the integrity of two people I have met in person and who I respect. By denying her and her dad to have their own accounts you are accusing them of cheating, I have worked with dejo on this and trust him 100%, he has much more under his skin to put the team at risk by submitting shared hardware scores
  12. It is not about gaining or loosing team points...here we have a young, female bencher with a lot of talent and potential and who has worked hard to get the points...being chopped off just because some people find it "suspicious" is very sad and short sighted from bot management IMO, it sends a very wrong message and will discourage other youngsters joining our fraternity.
  13. What really upsets me off is the discriminating way against family and age groups...so it is fine for a bunch of friends/students living in the same house/town to have separate accounts and submit scores, but it is "too suspicious" for two family members to have separate accounts and bench with separate hardware....that is just too hard to swallow !!!
  14. Thanks, yes it was a split second before I could save the ss and then it crashed. Thanks to you, Xoke and Dejo for keeping that thirsty Koolance pot full
  15. Excellent run !! Congrats on the GOOC NA championship as well !!
  16. How on earth do you beat the top 14 in the 920 WP32M with a lower CPU speed Do you have a super tweak? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1033006_jumper_15_wprime_32m_core_i7_920_4sec_515ms
  17. Picked up the same batch from Fleabay last night, NIB as well...will try my luck if i can get a REX or Commando soon. Thanks for the detail on your setup Splave, much appreciated )
  18. Excellent, hope this put the whole ES crapshoot argument to rest !!
  19. There seems to be a rather wide spread impression that ES CPU's are great and OC beasts, that is not true...you get more bad ones than good ones, I have had my share of ES chips and can attest to that. The golden ES ones you see breaking records on the bot are binned by people that have access to dozens of them, in that sense it makes it unfair imo, but you cannot ban ES chips just because of those instances.
  20. I do not see what the issue is with my score??, it is clearly visible in the screen shot. Can someone please advise Thanks
  21. Fantastic benching Bob !! Keep going brutha
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