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Everything posted by rsnubje

  1. Must be a big plan to take OTH down Good luck with it Chiller. Except from misposting scores we don't cheat or whatsoever. Get your ln2, bench your classified and shut the hell up. Guess you somehow got to compensate the lack of good benching.(or maybe other things you lack...)
  2. No ofcrouse not, im putting the text there for fun. ps: Chiller, terug in je mand!
  3. Btw can you tell me how to run with 5xx series card on XP? When I do that it's painfully slow.
  4. Mine was 1.15v Don't think your off that much.
  5. Yep, and a fresher windows, because this one has some flaws in it
  6. #L044B675 5300MHz stable, 5350 possbile. Watercooled, soon to be tested with SS. http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2199735_rsnubje_3dmark06_geforce_gtx_480_37064_marks
  7. beetje driver en windows dingetjes. mijn clocks schelen zoals je ziet bijna niks met de jouwe wat betreft gpu. dat ligt dus aan je tweaks/windows en of cpu snelheid
  8. als je deze opnieuw doet met je cpu op 5200, kom je dan veel hoger? mijn score is namelijk 7516 met 937/1050
  9. Thanks I think this card will run great on ln2. I was hoping to get something more out of it on air, but voltage raise didn't help. Are you gonna catch me up Hondacity? Or is your card long gone?
  10. je bent lekker bezig arjan;) ga vooral zo door
  11. goed bezig. amd gaat lekker in aq3 he? nu je 6970 eens doen, 390/400k mogelijk
  12. wanna make a comment, but rather not post it here because it's inapropriate. anyway hope you done now... some moderator close this thread, cuz i am.
  13. ok... hope you happy with this then. don't come before you're on the toilet... would only make your place messy. http://3dmark.com/3dm06/15683030 not so far from my old score in windows xp, and the card runs much faster now, thanks...
  14. but that would look suspicious. do my scores look suspicious to you...
  15. think this can apply for some of my reported scores that are needed to be checked, 5 of them atm. you should also read this chiller. When a submission has minor mistakes or incomplete verification, it does not mean by definition it has to be blocked by a moderator. If these submissions are not suspicious in any way, and do not receive global points, the moderator has the right to approve them.This rule is to prevent users reporting each and every submission which have minor mistakes, in order to get a better rank for their own submission. Reporting submissions which are not suspicious but have minor mistakes is against the fair play spirit, and abuse of the reporting functionality will be acted upon.
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