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Everything posted by rsnubje

  1. Maybe should try newer benchmark version. Nice score though Too bad your card didn't survive:(
  2. Nette score Faust! Vanwaar deze vebetering?
  3. Lol, I can remember a time I rma'ed a cpu and only took 1 day in between sending the old one and receiving a new one
  4. Is this on every driver? I can remember when I tested 2x GTX 690 I had a lot of stuttering with some drivers, but the least/none with 304.48, or maybe 304.79. Don't know about 306.02. These are beta's tho, not sure if you want/can (to) use these for your WR's
  5. Maybe this idea is already posted some time ago, I don't know, but this is my idea: Is it possible to make that when you want to submit a score you can select a system you created on, let's say your profile, other than selecting a previous score(Prepopulate fields by score) with similar hardware. Then you can make a few setups, like a SB-E setup and an Ivy setup. Say if you posted like 10 scores with an Ivy setup but then made a score with SB-E, the previous score with that system is already gone from the list of previous results, so you still have to fill in everything. When having a system pre-configured you don't have this problem. you could even make a comment part where you can, for example, already fill in who sponsored something
  6. Vivi must have backups after this one, in case kingpin strikes back
  7. rsnubje

    GTX 660 Ti

    Thank you:)
  8. rsnubje

    GTX 660 Ti

    Can this card be added? Info can be found here: http://uk.hardware.info/reviews/3026/2/nvidia-geforce-gtx-660-ti-review---3-way-sli-included-gtx-660-ti
  9. Ok, could be Tho 2.2.3 works pretty nice, but I didn't test it on ln2 Whole different story ofcourse.
  10. I see Elmor is using 2.2.2. I'm wondering if 2.2.3 would make a difference because 2.2.3 was, as far as I know, build a little more for the 680 lightning. But for now, the lightning still seems to be one of the best 680's around if you want decent voltage control. The Evga Classified with evbot seems ok too.
  11. Makes kinda sense tho We never stop learning.
  12. Allright, that's good to know. Thank you.
  13. Please explain why im at 1360 on ln2? I'm obviously missing something.
  14. Have fun comparing then, mine's gone. You don't need to believe the biosses differ in efficiency, but I believe they do due to having no limits on the LN2 bios. 133MHz more or less ram, nor drivers will make up the difference in this example. IF there was no difference, my max clock in LN2 mode would be higher than the standard bios and not vice versa.
  15. No, the LN2 bios doesn't run on the clocks I can get on the standard bios. The 2 screenshots I posted are max of both biosses.
  16. It does, but not with these drivers so far i've seen, tested enough cards with them for now
  17. Fact, but it's not gonna make up the speeds. Never seen any driver close up a gap of 100MHz.
  18. Some of you may not have noticed that when you compare the clocks on stock vs ln2 bios, the ln2 one gets higher scores on lower clocks, meaning it doesn't clock back where the stock bios does, and also other vendor's card's. All to do with the unlocked protections etc. [EDIT] Here are 2 screenshots for comparison. CPU is running @ 4.8GHz in both screenshots. Stock bios: http://i.imgur.com/nEU1u.png LN2 bios: http://i.imgur.com/WLPle.png
  19. Well, just received an extreme ab too and it works just fine with voltage adjustments
  20. I guess software can't beat hardmods
  21. I think I prefer Lightning VRM
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