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Everything posted by rsnubje

  1. Here's my result, cooled with a Corsair H100. I think these cpu's make a good chance to replace the 2600k's these days.
  2. Can these cards be added to the database so I can upload some scores?
  3. Yea I know, but more like, why not the gigabyte he has because it was running faster. That's what he told me...
  4. Thanks Too bad it was so hard to get everything stable.
  5. Is this utility now required for an official score? Or can I still use the old way till some date? @Duke, for 500 series cards in xp you need a tweak in nvinspector. It involves dx9 compatability
  6. True, but what is fair if everyone with that chip is running on that resolution? i looked at top 5, all lower than 1280x1024. Probably even more scores.
  7. I got noticed this score is reported for having a wrong resolution. However, this is a mobility version and most laptops don't have 1280x1024. Also at least the top 5 doesn't have this resolution.
  8. Dik Bijna over mijn score heen. Jammer dat mijn cpu toen niet beter was.
  9. The fact that it's not ment to run on 8x in normal circumstances and is now forced by software. Next to that it's no proof of skill but of software knowledge. just feels a little like cheating.
  10. not entirely satisfied with the fact you approve the use of throttling or even a program to do so...
  11. Will do. Thanks. BTW, are these bugs mostly related to AMD gpu's or nVidia too? Because I have benched several times in windows 7 with GTX4xx and GTX5xx but never got an unreal score.
  12. Yep, here is one example... http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2226585_darkasantion_3dmark03_2x_radeon_hd_6970_189459_marks
  13. Hi there, I never personaly experienced problems with benchmarking 03, but I come across people that easily score like 190k-230k with dual cards(CFX 6xxx series), with barely an impressive overclock. They are not correct of course, because the WR's here are much lower in most of the cases. But what I want to know is, what is this weirdness?
  14. Maybe bios dependant? Or I simply didn't notice... But I did turn it off, what it did with it after that I dont know.
  15. I have overclocked with the R4E, with turbo disabled for sure.
  16. Little weird to have eist enabled while overclocking or even to be able to... Just go for Asus or other
  17. I have a UD5 for testing. What bios are you on now? I just flashed f4l. I only have tested it with stock settings, but maybe I could try these things for you. When you say you change voltages, they are different in windows? And the multi is set in bios to 45? This part is a little vage
  18. True, as soon as MSI heard Asus was "cheating" with the turbo they also changed their turbo, which is now default 39x on all cores.
  19. Also had a 3930K for testing and it did 5150:) So I guess the 3960X was a bad sample.
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