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Everything posted by Hollywood

  1. Awesome score! Any pics of the setup? 4x Corsair 1000 ....
  2. More mods watching the scores to avoid cheats and sharing. Beside that, i like the bot as it is! Good work over there gents! I like to see that you're still trying to get the best out of the bot! Keep goin!
  3. That's good news! But i've no clue how to avoid hardware sharing. Maybe, just maybe a pic with the serialnumber (3D) should be added to each submission? About 2D, i rly don't know..... But i like the idea about the Power Team ranking very much!
  4. Nice board and a good chip!
  5. Votet 100€.
  6. Sign! If someone has information about things goin wrong, make it public! Even if it's just the beginning. C'mon, bring it on! Sure, we don't! How could we? I realy would like to know how much money is needed to keep hwbot up und running. Must be a huge amount if you need the MFC's to cover the costs.
  7. Hey Mate, all that hard work and money isn't lost with Rev.4! The scores made with any hardware still counts for personal ranking (hwboint limit will be higher as it is right now). So i don't wan't to call that useless. Thing is, only the best submission with a piece of hardware counts for the teams total. I see it that way: The teams get enforced to work as a team, to get the best possible result with each piece of hardware. Every member within the team could take part in that. So the team ranking would be more fair. Not only the big teams with lots of members will have a chance to get a top spot.
  8. That's one of the best post's in this thread. BTW i like to know how much money is needed to keep this side up and running? And: I would not mind to pay for using this side. A while back, i was rly active in onlinegaming. Our community needed to have a webside for storage maps and other stuff. I paid and i am still paying the fees for the side. Even if i am not active in that community anymore. So i guess it's not wrong to pay for something like hwbot.
  9. Guess so too. Just kick him out!
  10. I received the "Overclocking Knight" archivement. The best place i ever took in the rankings was top 100. BR Hollywood
  11. We don't care about you're english, if you keep posting those results! Nice one!
  12. Congratulations on you're 2nd WR!!!
  13. That's insane! Awesome! Wish, i had the money for such a chip, and the skill! Great going!
  14. Nice one! Now go and bench some gfx to gain hwboints! When u reached the 300 hwboint mark, you will be around # 60 global! Go! Go! Go!
  15. Hey Massman! Thanks for clearing things up on you're WR run! I tried to use a very tiny GFX myself and i could cut around 10 secs of! Tried you're CW and found some more seconds! But there is still the sunlight cheat. I call it a cheat cause it's not allowed! Anyway, i used it once and i killed my system! Sun was shining perfect, just the temps were a lill bit to low. So i forced the ambient temperature to go up with my torch and have a happy system! After that my system doesn't looked that happy anmore! So i guess you owe me a new system!
  16. Okay! I guess we've all seen enough! Cheats all over! The sunlight tweak is not legit! Also his magical CPU-Z! I vote for a permanent ban! Let it be an example for all other out there!
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