My oppinion is: NO!
Why one or two girls should get a free ticket?
Just to have some boobs at the benchtable, some eyecandy?
C'mon! If an overclocker is able to compete at this level, he/she should go for it!
No matter about the gender.
Think it should not be added untill FM gives a subtestwindow.
Also it should be possible to save a file and submit from any other rig you want.
SS alone is worthless.
These pics remind me.... x-mas 2008.... all sitting inside, talking, having some food...
I was sitting on the balcony with my RE, a crappy E8600, 2 4870X2 and 30kg dice....
Belive me, most of us would like to be in such a situation where you have been over the last months!
You're still our german hero! Keep goin and take the top spot!