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Everything posted by chew*

  1. I'm long over it but with comments like the above antagonist you can see why I've reached F it. The quantity of those type of people have reached all new heights. I am under no impression that streaming overclocking could or would turn a profit. I'm just pointing out that marketing has turned there focus away from ocers in favor of gamers. Those youtube/streamer/ocers trying to sell you mugs shirts and whatever make me laugh because quite simply overclocking is only really exciting to those that see it happen live. As you pointed out the abundant sampling is no more in lieu of this ( i'm still not effected by this however there is a limit to how much time I want to spend on this nowadays thus much less hardware needed ). Action/Reaction the abundant amount of results that use to be done on this sampled hardware ceased to exist. This is an expensive hobby and i'm not even referring to top 20 even top 100 goals will set you back quite a bit so I can guarantee that has played a large role.
  2. I recently responded to someone that sent me a PM. There was a big blow out of people a while back demanding settings in a AMD thread. Based on the effort that was easily observable by results in thread I basically said go pound salt. This person that PM'd me how ever has put in a ton of effort and gotten within 3.5secs of my time so I took the time to respond and point him in the right direction. I do not mind rewarding and teaching those who put in the countless hours required to get to that level but im not just going to hand shit over to anyone who demands it.
  3. I think the point was missed. Subscriber = pay/donate to a channel. It's not free. We wont even talk about viewer count. We are just talking about 60k people paying to be part of 1 professional gamers channel. just 1 and there is a lot more out there then just shroud. Overclocking never had that even on its best day. I will gladly go back to my gaming and if I was a nobody it would not matter but I am one of many greats that have and will walk away and that attitude of good riddance is just another reason to
  4. I use a computer now for what it was intended for than ocing. I played with it I tuned it I oced it I came to realization that 5000mhz on a 9900K is to hot I let cpu go back to stock. I use it for gaming. when 1 single gamer has more subscibers to there twitch tv or whatever streaming service they use than this site does members it opens your eyes. shroud has over 60k subscribers if you combined all the ocers they could not reach that. gaming is part of computing and thus the obvious marketing approach should put there focus there. quakecon and blizzcon have been around for ages, there is no overclockathon. If the horse is dead get off and walk.
  5. This is nothing new. This has been going on with intel and AMD from the start. It's why some were benching xeons instead of IIRC gulftowns. The difference and why it effects us so much now is that like I said earlier variable on the fly clocks and voltage. When they determined they could deploy this reliably and mission critical stability was not sacrificed it changed the game. The server market has always gotten the best glass from day 1. It was not until they were able to employ variable on the fly clocks and voltages that we were effected by it much however. Since r1 they are sure to have refined there binning process, i'm sure if there are refinements or a refresh that yields higher clocks it will just open the door to a higher sku not higher ocability of lesser skus at this point in the game. @ alex. Imagine spending 4 weeks on a pre production board with no heatsinks. then imagine you need to make custom mounts just to bolt a cooler to a cpu. then you need to test and debug and review this hardware with shoddy bios support and buggy early silicon and then you get an email demanding to send it all back now today. your wondering wtf you did wrong, did you somehow violate NDA. you send out multiple emails and eventually you find out 2 weeks later after sweating bullets that it had nothing to do with you personally. Some nitwit violated NDA and some nitwit called Lisa Su directly ruffled her feathers and in turn she put out a worldwide recall on every single ES TR chip out in the wild. That's just one example of the BS that goes on at the top of the chain behind closed doors. Not my idea of fun and exciting and enjoyable. It becomes more of a stressfull job than a fun hobby. P.S. the nitwits involved were not nobodys, more like high profile big boys that should know better.
  6. Yes bad advice is bad advice. My signature on oc.net says it all (which I no longer frequent due to excessive amount of trolls) "The problem with the internet today is the lack of accountability.On pc forums User A says no its safe costs users B,C an D $600 to find out he was wrong. User A gets off scot free.On the race car forums it is no different except $ amount. User A says turn the boost up to 26lbs. User B,C and D lifted a head gasket,cracked a piston ring, melted a piston...or worse just sent a rod through block due to detonation. $3k in damages. User A gets off scot free.Avoid the A's they will put a hole in your wallet." The other problem with overclocking is simple, to compete at the highest levels providing you have the skill requires either A. money (lots of it) or B. selling your soul to manufacturers. C. both Why do you think after I demonstrated BD on lhe and broke a guiness WR I did not review or endorse it. I'd rather quit then suggest anyone buy something that I myself would not buy. Not to mention the other crap that was going on that I got dragged into with multiple mobo companies.
  7. Here since the screenshots got lost it seems. 4 and 5 gig lcc runs fwiw sub 6 was/is doable at 5450-5500 according to the calculations I had worked out ( -10s per 100 MHz )
  8. Overclocking is most certainly a dead and dying sport. Compared to what it used to be to what it is now its already dead. Necessity is the mother of all inventions. Overclocking was invented due to necessity. Most did it to get acceptable frame rates on sub acceptable hardware that did not break the bank. It's no longer a necessity and nowadays on at least AMD its more like subsystem tuning more than anything else. The day manufacturers were able to achieve what we can not ( variable on the fly clocks and voltages ) is the day that we as overclockers became obsolete. To think that ln2 overclocking is the driving force or going to save this sport is absurd. AVG joe gamer and AVG joe consumer is what keeps the flow of cash flowing for the manufacturers. I can't count how many times I have seen avg joe comment on how they could give 2 !@#$'s less about what X manufacturers board did on ln2 because he runs on air/aio water like the other 95% of the world. Lets face it avg joe has wisened up and the manufacturers are aware of this. When ln2 overclocking/marketing is no longer marketable it will simply no longer be of use to them. EDIT: One other thing to note..... The majority of AMD overclockers are not even overclockers anymore. They use someones tool to spit out settings then another tool to spit out an attainable frequency. Take the tools away and the majority would not know how to set there own damn timings other than primaries. The reason is simple they don't understand the how and the why and the relationship between timings they only care about the end result and the quickest easiest way to get there. Truth hurts but its the truth.
  9. Well its nice to see someone with the drive to push the hardware even if it lacks the global WR potential. Keep it up I like what I am seeing. Many seem to misunderstand me and my intentions. I merely show possibilities and capabilities and love to see people take it above and beyond.
  10. Cold will help it but voltage not so much. Should free up the imc for you a little bit to. 3d is where the platform can get tricky with the apu and how to unlock its potential. I ran a ton of 3d on it. Pi was just once to see where it stacked up in the LCC category. Btw I do not think it is to far off topic...imo ryzen shares far more in common with llano than other arch that amd has released.
  11. Nice to see someone finally get llano running fast . I checked my old post related to my run. I had said LSC and theme only so like i said i was showing possibilities for someone else to take advantage of. Anyway nice work infra Iirc and i think i mention it in the XS llano thread somewhere around 160 ref clk i was dropping a channel. Maybe that info will help.
  12. See if i can help out with llano. Msimax has my "lab" and whatever boards i collected. Im fairly certain there may be a completely unabused nib llano board in the inventory. I had a ton of fun on that platform and liked the direction AMD was headed. Ryzen reminds me of it which is what i would liked to have seen the direction go instead of BD and why i am enjoying the platform.
  13. Some people bury knowledge and or tweaks for a very specific reason. To combat what truly damaged this hobby. Super binning.
  14. Llano was like my one of my favorites. Ton of room left to really show what that platform can do. I no longer have mine so looking forward to seeing your results. yah your cpu's imc is a monster or your memory is killer. hope it survived. I was not blessed with a good imc and I just bought my ram off newegg like everyone else but eh I make do with what cards I am dealt.
  15. For you....not a problem. Consider it done. Least you know it's the old me
  16. I said I would do this I do what I say. Slowest performing cpu I have tested in 32m Slowest board I have Slowish Bios Worst memory config possible HYNIX DR Full auto noob timings......load XMP and rip. Calculated what I needed bare minimum for 8:49 still over shot it. GL and HF
  17. There is not really a "team" its gone dust in the wind. So yah to be on an active team would require finding one. You were fairly way off however as far as zen goes. At least 60% of tweaks shared for team XS in there private area were provided in combination from zen and myself. We are flying solo and me not posting on the rankings is useless to team as is even more pointing to solo purely hobby for the fun of it. When people give me crap....it becomes far less fun.
  18. I beg to differ george. Combined effort on mine and zens part to get fast on ryzen. As far as XS hwbot team. I posted in private section 6 months ago...all i heard was an echo. Many left the team is "inactive" I street race and as far as i am concerned this is just another race. If someone brings there car out to the races then whines complains or makes excuses my response is simple. I brought my car to race. If your not going to race put that pile of crap back on trailer and go home. Now you know where i am coming from and my mindset.
  19. Expecting anyone to give out ANY tweaks at all is problem #1. Someone who put 1000s of hours in PI should know enough to analyze as I exampled. The screenshot reveals enough as is.
  20. You see any of my scores posted on bot rankings? Newcomers do not have to compete against me on bot. Anyone expecting to beat pro lvl scores as a newcomer is naive. If they want to compete vs me unofficially on forums but using bot approved rules / legitimate runs that is a choice they make. I am not forcing anyone to do anything. I know AMD hardware can go faster and I showed it. I remember one reason why i retired now and now I know why unless paid no pro overclockers really bothers to bench AMD hardcore in anything that will not get them global points worth their time. Btw infra. Mad props for working through it and not giving me crap. There is still hope based on your approach.
  21. Did i come up with ocx tweaker no. Did i use it back then? No. Its a file copy. Create file in xx size copy to one place cut copy to another. I did a manual copy. So yah in that sense yes once again i went down my own path if you must know. Fwiw at a live competition there is no copy waza on your drive OS that is provided. So knowing how to do it yourself manually = better. The LLano run was crap fyi....it was a hey look pretesting llano looks fast and a competitor fo LCC here is a quick run...check it out. I can even link to the post from years ago.
  22. Here i will analyze one that is not mine. Lets see. 32 bit w7 Max mem 1600ish Appeareance set to best performance ok so possibly used msconfig. Loop consistency 9-6-3-9-6-3 all the way down with a little falling apart...yep thats waza but initial was fast so weak waza. Looks like he used 2133 strap. Hmm bios version...that is the one that i confirmed got really slow after i compared vs the one i like and pre subtiming unlock. Timings hmm ok so equivalent to performance I noted with 12-11-11 on other boards so not very tight and trc 51 so yah he was running a bit loose. Ah galax 2000. ( bdie ic ) so his subs he has no access to were extremely loose in that bios version pre unlocked subs. Quite a few things just not right for PI run on Ryzen. I should be able to take this result out easily at sub 5000. Lesson here? Can learn alot from a screenshot.
  23. Look i will give you a lesson in 32m pi analyze 101. Lets see 32bit xp No max mem Consistent loops but weak finish might have been a weak waza or none at all. Olive theme Hmm note strap 1/8 he used that might matter Bios version Ddr3 and amd that seems like a flare X will check what ic they are. High speed seems to trump latency 25x multi will have to check odds versus even. Total summary looks like there was more in it as it hardly looks like a max tuned run...i can beat this easy. Crazy run though...its 10 secs faster than the fastest llano @ 4.0 and it was not a tuned run based on evidence found in screenshot. Btw...that run one guess who did it...and years and years ago...so literally i just analyzed my own run as i would any run i see.
  24. Im going to put this simple and as nice as possible which there is no nice way to really put it. To be an " pro overclocker" requires you to be able to tune software and hardware alike. Previous stuff and xp many used someone elses tuned OS. I used my own personal tuned/collaborated with another member Xp. I did not "copy". That said. Would you ask me to tune your system to so you could take credit for my work? If answer = no. Welcome to the first step towards pro overclocking. No one helped me improve but me btw. I have results that smoke everyone on older arch amd that were part of "reviews" and just show and tell or never even posted. Best help anyone ever told me. "Keep testing eventually you will figure it out than you will not need mine or anyones help." The irony of it all despite all of the above...is the OS is almost bone stock and unstripped so you guys are certainly make me chuckle The part that now your starting to piss me off is i have shared plenty. Less cache slower certain boards faster. So seriously do not give me crap about not helping. Hell i even posted a timing table from 24/7 settings that were fast. Want me to come bench it for you to?
  25. Ill bench the asus with DR hynix which is way harder to OC much less get stable If only it was just as easy as dling mine and zens tweaked PI OS like the old days in xs hwbot team. section. Team is pretty much dead so that ship has sailed.
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