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Everything posted by chew*

  1. as the title states.... 3.1g stock 15.5X multi
  2. Tbh I am ranked roughly about the same.......I lost some global points.....guess what. It's because people benched 3d not becasue amd is worth nothing point wise........I have not had time to. I get a single 5870, rebench I will be right back where I was......Nothing really changed for me other than I made a poor decision graphic card wise prior to the revision's. Only reason I might have lost about 40 ranks is due to not benching...thats the name of the game. If I were you, I would complain less, go buy 5 of AMD's cheapest current chip, bin them and rack up some decent global points. Do a little research and you will figure it out.
  3. If I might interject a little intellect here. I am an AMD bencher, I rarely touch intel, I rank fairly high on the bot. Really nothing more to say.
  4. Hmm. I see alot of guys talk about fair. Here's a 11th place global rank or it was a few days ago.....worth a whopping 8 points. I would put the cards under ln2......but guess what $1200 in cards = not worth it to me a max total gain of 10.3 points to be highest in the 2x 5970 ranking. Not to mention in order to bench them properly on ln2 will take quite a bit of effort...... http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/8237/p1010388q.jpg http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=941082
  5. I'm guilty of sending a cpu and motherboard to 1 member of my team........however on the flip side I have never ever benched it or submitted results in 3d with it.......also it was explictly stated no 2d benches.
  6. Hmmm yah it is rather annoying.....I should download a new gpu-z. clocks were 800/1000.......nothing spectacular, didn't have working volt mod software at the time.
  7. I don't think the problem is necessarily ATI + AMD as much as the problem might be AMD + vantage. None the less can I submit this? do I need a futuremark link? and where do we submit it? http://chew.ln2cooling.com/qdig-files/converted-images/MichiganEvent-1/Results/lrg_vantage1%202x5970.jpg
  8. Not to worry.....the only choices they have for 4X gpu are MSI ( eats cpus ) or ( asus ) which almost no one has ever got to run above 5.9 gig due to "issues"
  9. I did and flagged them, and they were still there when I got up today
  10. Link to forum post states dual crossfire.............submitted under single card results....... Both Need to moved to X fire multiple card class......... http://www.hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=GPU_1475'>http://www.hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=GPU_1475 http://www.hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=GPU_1475
  11. I flagged this yesterday, its still there and not fixed.......there is NO CPU tab for memory, I don't doubt the result but rules are rules.....and I'd like to see the memory settings personally...... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=847929 "Any online SuperPi 1M submission must comply to the following rules: You must use the XtremeSystems version 1.5, having accuracy in milliseconds and checksum validation choose 1M calculation have a valid screenshot (see example below): clearly show SuperPi time and “calculation done” popup, processor in CPU-Z,memory settings in another CPU-Z instance , and checksum"
  12. So the score is still up? I guess this means I can fire away with all my Not validated results as well then?
  13. Hmmm honestly not worth the trouble to me, will just wait for a fixed version, defeats the point of it being quick and easy.
  14. I'm not sure and i'm plagued by it as well, however its happens when under cold and when i'm barely stable enough to get a capture........... Rules are rules though " A VALID CPU-Z screenshot" I can't submit mine either I've preety much nailed it down to the rejections happening due to a variation in clocks........F7 4950mhz..........ends up being 4970 in validation...and rejected, downclocked to 4.0 and validated and it passed....... Example.....I can't submit this, looked preety stable to me though http://valid.canardpc.com:80/show_oc.php?id=527275 screenshot http://members.cox.net/bostonreefer4/7204core5.0.jpg
  15. I was under the impression that the big reg X and the Bold RED "NOT VALIDATED" was enough of a clue for a user to not submit it as a valid CPU-z verification...... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=832845
  16. I thought I might add this was an honest mistake, any of us could have made the same mistake.
  17. This cpu was later found out to be an AM3 chip and fit in an AM3 board thus it needs to be moved to Phenom II x4 945 category. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=809941 Link to post stating it was AM3...... http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showpost.php?p=3605775&postcount=845
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