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Everything posted by rickss69

  1. Great - I ordered a cpu and now have no chance to enter Stage One. When first posted it said "days", not "hours". Can you not extend this one stage for another week?
  2. Nm - I see what it is now. Somehow got recorded as Pentium instead of Core Two...re-submitting.
  3. Email says submission approved and checked by Thor, but it has been removed? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1011782_rickss69_superpi_32m_pentium_e6300_2.80ghz_12min_52sec_373ms
  4. Why no points? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1009936_rickss69_wprime_32m_core_i3_530_9sec_283ms I don't have one above it... Thanks
  5. ^ And I have no idea why you chose to hijack my thread...post your own. ^
  6. Just found it odd that it is the only submission with a 1090T with that rejected status. You say it is common? I have never seen that before.
  7. Is this valid? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1004372_flanker_cpu_z_phenom_ii_x6_1090t_be_4768.9_mhz Says rejected...
  8. 980X is for those smart enough to use them...
  9. It was only after some had stated they had hit the target score numerous times that I figured I was just extremely unlucky at this type of benching.
  10. Seems some have figured a way to easily and quickly "dial" their scores in the Precision events. My last score only came after countless mind numbing hours and I never saw that magic number. Guess I will skip these and just concentrate on the main portion of the contest. Good luck to all.
  11. Just learned that there is something you can do about the failed submissions. Contact Pasi_FM at the forums and he can somehow send you some data that will enable you to validate those failed submissions. He states it is a known error with i7 cpu's, but in my case it was a AMD 1090T.
  12. That is just strange...hope they come up with a fix soon. Sucks to work your butt off for a good score and can do nothing with it. I'm a 100% to the good without the patch.
  13. Lose that patch XO - I never had a problem until I used it.
  14. I posted this on their forum as well...see what comes of it. Btw, Vantage also has this bug, but not as severe.
  15. Figured it out guys...it's the patch for '03 that is snafu. Uninstall then reinstall '03 without the patch. You can then make public without further headaches.
  16. Good job! That will be tuff to beat.
  17. I would really like to submit this one for stage 3...hate to get torpedoed by a third party.
  18. Using Gigabyte 5770, Gigabyte mb, and AMD 1090T for the contest. I can public all other bench's but '03. Anyone else having a problem with this? Got some great results but can't submit... PM'd Admin at the ORB but no reply yet.
  19. I am unable to make public any results for '03. All others are fine...any way around this problem? I have re-installed another OS, but no go.
  20. Stage two - Is that a gpu score from the Vantage bench?
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