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Everything posted by rickss69

  1. I can not help that. Perhaps it is due to the version of Afterburner I am using...and it is only used for the temp graph function. I just re -ran this bench again using the same settings as always, pulled up Kombustor and made no changes...just click and run. I have even provided a gpu-z validation. If those numbers are wrong on the screen then why did you approve my lessor score with the same numbers showing? If my latest submission is blocked I do not know how I can correct what you think is wrong. Also, will you throw out the other two submissions where that portion of the screen is covered? The fact that I made no attempt to cover any data on screen and a gpu-z validation provided should tell you there is no trickery going on here. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1057111_rickss69_gpu_z_gpu_frequency_geforce_gtx_460_256bit_1006_mhz
  2. "Hello, An hwbot crew member, Massman, has blocked one of your submitted scores. It has been marked as 'not ran at default settings'. This was the reason the user gave: The card was not running 3D clocks (check afterburner)" You can view your result here: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1056986_rickss69_gpu_z_gpu_frequency_geforce_gtx_460_256bit_1002_mhz Not sure why my submission was blocked when I don't even use Afterburner to clock the card. No version of Afterburner I have tried has allowed voltage adjustment. Just what is "default settings"? Am I to understand that Afterburner is the only acceptable means of overclocking one of these cards, or just for this contest? This is more than frustrating... If the greater score was blocked why was the lessor one allowed when it was run exactly the same? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1056800_rickss69_gpu_z_gpu_frequency_geforce_gtx_460_256bit_995_mhz
  3. I'm sorry but I do not understand how to submit this for the gpu-z portion of the contest. What is the score? Submitted...someone check if I did it correctly please.
  4. Then this poll was a complete and utter waste of time...surprise, surprise.
  5. The point of this discussion leads ultimately to the direction of this entity. Do we as a group want to continue on the same track or do we wish to seek another solution? Do the founders even want to consider another way? I suppose these questions will be answered in the bye and bye. Most of the objections to a "pay to play" effort if you will, have just been pathetic thus far. Those in control have every right to run things as they see fit. On the other hand they must also realize that continued bucking of members concerns will only hurt them in the long term. One without the other will leave little to be desired from anyone's standpoint.
  6. Nothing elitist here zoro - Please re-read post #25...
  7. Just as an example: I am one of the minority members in a game clan that donates approximately $200 yearly to help keep our game server afloat. I say minority because I realize that roughly 20% of our members donate (an optimistic number btw) on a regular basis. I feel like this is treated like a forum sometimes where constant mindless posts are made without any concern as to the business end is considered. After all, any endeavour has a pricetag and requires attention at some point. Any rational person realizes this fact and to ignore it is senseless. I know it will not be a popular notion, but if all were serious about it they would have no problem helping with the upkeep of a valued commodity. If even half of the pay for nothing crowd left the scene it would certainly be of little matter in the long haul and would drastically cut down on the workload.
  8. If say, half of your members donated the middle of the spectrum would that work out in your calculations?
  9. Horny old bastid... (You do know she is a transvestite, right?)
  10. I for one see nothing wrong with the concept...nothing in life is free unless you work for a government. Something for nothing is usually worth just that.
  11. "As a US citizen, you are by law obliged to pay taxes even if you don't like the direction in which the government is moving. With users supporting hwbot, this is not a the case. The income is not secure. Also, and I've said this from the beginning, I don't see why end-users must pay both for the hardware and the marketing (MFC will use good OC results as marketing, no matter what). Let users buy hardware, MFCs can take care of the development ... that's a fair solution." If you want secure how about only supporter's participate in the bot? That will quickly cut down the workload, eh? With all this dissent I think the "fair solution" really lies in the hands of the members.
  12. "Explain me how eg a team with only 5 members can ever achieve anything ( even though all bench on LN2 ? ) The teams with the most members, messing with the high end hardware are always on top..." Not true at all. I cite NBOC and Overclocking Alliance as an example...we, as a small group managed big things way back when and to this day. Dedication and purpose.
  13. Here is a perfect example of what a Family/Team is all about... http://www.overclockaholics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3226
  14. Finally it comes to the front. I look at it from the perspective here in the United States currently. We made a mistake voting in the current administration which will be corrected in the next voting cycle. We do not withdraw support because we do not favor the current direction we are being herded in...we simply correct the problem as soon as possible. To go against the majority is frought with perils....
  15. -sigh- "You make it sound as if we never listen and just do whatever we want. We listen to feedback, then return to our design/concept and see how we can implent stuff. It requires COMPROMISES." Hence why not everything is always as you want it to be. You read quiet a bit into one sentence Massman...and you did not address the question directly.
  16. "Are we bad guys for asking money from MFCs? The alternative is that we're charging the overclocking community for keeping this site running ... is that the best alternative then?" So this means if we (the dirty masses) contribute enough to keep the site solvent then the majority vote gets enacted?
  17. Congrats Bro! Hard fought battle on that one... ;0
  18. I see the benchmark on the site but no download link?
  19. XS was handed their walking papers by OCA...
  20. K404 - I can vouch for ClassicPlatforms prowness in overclocking the older hardware. They have dug much further than most OC's of todays genre. They took a serious hit in the last revamp and I see no need for them to take another...leave it alone I say.
  21. I think you just answered your own question.
  22. That would be a Silverstone SG07....
  23. That's as good as a reward in my book...
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