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Everything posted by rickss69

  1. OS re-install semi-fixed the problem. Still is kind of buggy tho...
  2. Can't be too serious or it would'nt be able to do this at the same settings...
  3. Seems to be some kind of error. Anyone know what this means?
  4. All of a sudden test seven just crawls. I have changed gpu's and tried different compatibility settings to no avail. I even re-installed the app but no change. Does this sound like a mb problem to you guys? Evga X58 LE Intel 950 GTX 295 Win 7 x32 Edit: Just ran a 3DM05 at 4380MHz with the same set-up and scored a 36933...I am baffled. What could be the culprit in PCM05?
  5. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3421
  6. Refer to this thread Gunhead...it is the same scenario. Before bringing up words such as "cheat", get your facts straight. http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3550 Btw, you were beaten by my single core runs as well...http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=899767...http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=899870
  7. Working this morning. Thanks guys!
  8. Thanks Mass - I started browsing and saw this was widespread. They will get it going soon I'm sure.
  9. Keep getting an error when I try to submit this score. What are my options?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0yJS2JMbNg&rel=0&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1
  11. Thanks once again jmke.
  12. Received email saying it was approved but see flags in my profile page on it. Thanks http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=868538 Mine: SM2.0 - 10166 SM3.0 - 9558 cpu - 7484 #2 Rank: SM2.0 - 9891 SM3.0 - 9157 cpu - 8079 There was no PhysX used for this run as reported.
  13. That would be it!
  14. Figured it out. You must be in Windows Basic theme before starting the application. Otherwise it will auto switch the theme after you print screen and leave the bench.
  15. Running A3 in Win 7 and having a problem printing screen. After hitting print screen and exiting A3, control/V only gives me a black screen in Paint. Am I missing something?
  16. I wasnt even aware you could run A3 in Vista...heard of a patch but also heard it sucked big time.
  17. Thanks jmke - Did not know it needed to be submitted again. Thought the edit would be forwarded. Will do so in the future if needed again.
  18. That is a misleading statement...only one submission needed any updated verification which was provided the very next day. A month later and still no action. The other submission was not altered in any way and all of a sudden it is valid? The verification was added AGAIN on May 13 because no action had been taken on the issue that had been taken care of April 11.
  19. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=839983&popup=true And this one? http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=840758&popup=true
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