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Everything posted by Nicklas0912

  1. Nice score! Did you volt mode the card? to bypass TDP?
  2. Hello. For long time, I see than one of the core is always 10c hotter than the other. if Core 1,2,3,5,6,7,8 is 49C The package and core 4, is always 10c more, I tried remounten my watercooling block, without any help. even tryed to use a other thermal paste. Will delid help this?
  3. 1.351 volt danm? is that for real, mine reg 1.41 for 4.5Ghz.
  4. Hello, REALLY nice CPU score you got there! What is your Cache Ratio? and is it on Windows 8? (NOT 8.1)
  5. So. Today I wanted to Submit some scores from my Laptop, it just giveing me a Error all the time. Is the site down? or what is going ? // Nicklas Error: Oops. Something went wrong. We could blame this on you but it`s most likely our crappy coding skills. You could try again or nudge our developpers for fixing this.
  6. Nice socre! Is that the Titan XP on LN2? cant it go higher than 2101Mhz?
  7. Really nice card 2100Mhz on water!? But the CPU score, is there not something worng?
  8. Really nice score ! But should you not have more GPU score mate? I get 40200 at 1,519/1978 with 2x 980 TI classfield at air. http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/13172997
  9. But if you look DX 12 / Timespy. GTX 1080 Kick GTX 980 TI ass. it cant follow in pure DX 12.
  10. Nice nice! - Break the 20.000 barrier !! Yea, I did some Tweaks too now, and got my 6900K @ 4.5Ghz to get 10500 CPU score. dont think it will get anyhigher !
  11. You dont like Broadwell-E? Im happy my 6900K @ 4.5Ghz can beat or be the same as a 5960x @ at 5/5.1Ghz and the 5/5.2Ghz for 6950x Is a fine first gen 10 core CPU, it still really kick as. Just wait for next 10 core, it will be even better.
  12. Really nice score. How do you get so high cpu score? people is not near you at same speed.
  13. A shame you dont have X99 Setup ! Else Nice GPU score!
  14. Hello. if I run SLI, the Timespy wont start. but if I use a single card, it works fine. I tried reinstalled Windows without any luck. useing the neweste drivers. it works for my friends. Just not me Any idea?
  15. Hello. Any one know if there is any tweaks or something to 3dmark Firestirke CPU score? im currenty running Windows 10 with Core I7 6900k @ 4.5gHZ / 3400Mhz CL15. and get around 235xx CPU score. I feel is a bit low for the clock speeds. http://hwbot.org/image/1659063.jpg - Any tweaks out there?
  16. Does water help on the overclokcing? or it will just ran out of power?
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