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Everything posted by Nicklas0912

  1. Hello. I just got 2x ASUS STRIX GTX 980Ti OC for a good price. I always had Evga cause they allow me to get custom bios for more overclokcing and volts. Is there any one here who bring out Custom bios for the ASUS STRIX GTX 980Ti OC card to allow more voltage? std bios: http://i.imgur.com/lyCTk8E.png Thanks all
  2. What is your max temp with the water?
  3. i borrowed it out, and my net has been downed, is why i just post now. I reedited my post. to some other hardware I got. you can read it Bios Mod for Biostar H61MLV3,
  4. Have some old hardware I want to have fun with, is a 3770 with a BiosStar H61MLV3 wich cant Overclock, even in XTU. Any bios mod wich can allow me to chance BLCK. could not find anything so far. Hope any got a good idea //Nicklas
  5. Hello. I got a old HIS R5870 "ref pcb", I want to overclock, but the problem is the core limit is 900. wich is notthing. Any know a bios who has unlock core limt or a fix to this ? Thanks alot! "can post my bios if any know need that!
  6. Nice score mate!! Cant you get more out of your score than 1850Mz on ram ?
  7. Nice score mate ! Cant you get more out of your card than 2000Mhz on ram?
  8. As it said. Im looking for a 4960x that can do 4900Mhz + on Water / Low vcore! //Nicklas Jørgensen
  9. Hello the problem is, CPU -z bios, and E-leet is showing the vcore for the CPU, but is not the same ! Wich one can I trust? Bios: 1.36 Vcore CPU-z : 0.920 E-leet 1.411 http://peecee.dk/uploads/012014/vcore.png Vdrop is not on, only think I set was 131.250x36 and 1.36 on vcore, Vdrop off. what is going on here? same with Bios 2.08/2.07
  10. I mean wich tweakas did you did than the cheat one.
  11. what tweaks did you make without the cheat one? GJ nice score !
  12. Nice GPU score. Just sad you use LGA 1550 you would get a higher score with LGA 2011!
  13. I got now a one with +200 btw
  14. For some reason all with Asus Mortherbord getting Higher score than others? 4930k @ 4.5Ghz 18000 Wut. WTF ! What is going on. getting 5Ghz # 17000 http://peecee.dk/upload/view/426998/full
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