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Everything posted by Nicklas0912

  1. Today I will share how to bypass the +93mv limt, you all have on your MSI GTX 680 Lightning cards. Your Cards need to have the: (unlocked LN2) Bios! Download here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByaqIKti5kitbkxERjVhYVlqbzQ/edit How to use NVflash: 1: Extract the nvflash files to C:\ 2: Save the BIOS file to C:\ 3: Open elevated cmd window (hit start button, type "cmd", right click cmd icon, run as administrator) 4: Change directory to C:\ (type " cd C:\ " ) 5: OPTIONAL: type " nvflash --protectoff " then hit enter (turns off any error msg that may result from software write protection) 6: BACKUP ORIGINAL BIOS: Type " nvflash -b backup.rom " and a copy of your bios will be saved to the nvflash directory 7: Type " nvflash -4 -5 -6 Yourbios.rom " 8: Wait for it to finish 9: Reboot 10: OPTIONAL: reinstall drivers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you are done with that, we can go to the next step. "Real Overclocking" You will need 2 programs to do this: 1: MSI Afterburner 2.2.3 2: Artmoney Make sure youre running both AB and AM "As Administrator"! 1: Set AB vcore to +93, hit apply, make sure its still at +93 2: Go to AM, search for integer with value 93; it should give you like several thousand results. 3: Go back to AB, change vcore to like +70, hit apply, then see what vcore it changes it to (+68 i think) 4: Go back to AM, filter your previous search. Hit filter, then enter in value 68 (or whatever value is currently displayed in vcore of AB. Hit enter. 5: Add The one with the adresse "00449000" - That control your offset! 6: Then you can enter in all the info in the 'edit address' window. I entered in a value of 180 (which will give me an offset of +143 in AB). 7: Set your clocks in AB, and you are ready to GO! OSB: Remember to Check the "Freeze" box. Everyone needs to be careful using this method to control their voltages. it is a memory hack... which is a hack! always keep in mind the risk of your actions!
  2. I dont think, I ever showed it on OCTeamDenmark Forum.
  3. Nope, is not done like that ! I can show you on skype if you want ? PM me, if you want.
  4. #12 sorry, what do you mean, dont get it ?
  5. OKay, guys Im not 100% finish yet , but here you can see it works!!
  6. Sorry mate, but really low score for 4 cars, why that shitty CPU ? Or is 4 way not working perfekt on it yet ?
  7. #9 I cant say 100% sure if it work with titan, but will try to get one fast and test it !!
  8. OKay, I will make it, and release it tomrrow night.
  9. Useing normal AB Have bypass to give it up to +600 mv !
  10. Hello all. I would ask you guys and girls, if you want a complett guide how to bypass +93mv on MSI GTX 680 Lightning ? If I get engoud reply to this, I will make one.
  11. How can you give it +331 MV? I cant on mine MSI lightning !!!
  12. Hey mate, could you post your bios plz? And how can you give more volt than +300 / 100 Mv in MSI afterburner on MSI lightning ?
  13. Something is worng at your system, my CPU getting 16000 CPU score at 4.7Ghz @ 3960x. you should be higher,
  14. Hey, what is the Max volt and powertaget % you can give in MSI afterbruner?
  15. Gz mATE! Awesome Work! Try use Nvidia Driver : 301.10 and use the Regedit hack to aktivert PCI 3.0 on it, im pretty sure you will get a little higher GPU Score!
  16. Ofc SB-E is better, take a look at the CPU score, my 3960x can make a better at 4700Mhz.. With a 3930K/3960X he would bring a score of 16500-16700.
  17. "Massman" Your not so smart, anit you? Take a look at the CPU score, if he was useing a 3930k/3960x he would get a way higher score.
  18. Do like Kingping plz and then you get WR! 2x 1366 CPUs. and your raedy to go.
  19. Slow CPU......................... Plz OC to aleast 5.1Ghz
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