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Everything posted by PeterStoba

  1. Then how is the score valid without a screenshot or link?
  2. But the Orb has a limit of about 10 scores per version of 3d mark, meaning you MUST buy it if you wanna bench more.
  3. Thanks for clearing it up The scores I was talking about were the ones ScunnyUK has linked to also.
  4. It's not a case of the benchmark running faster, it's more a case of getting two processors for the price of one. If you could make your processor appear as another CPU, it means you don't have to buy it and bench it, but you still get points.
  5. Hi, I know that unlocking, for example, a dual core into a quad core is allowed, so long as it's submitted in the original category, right? What about making a quad core appear as a dual core processor? Is that allowed? Would it have to be submitted in the quad core or dual core category (if it was allowed?)
  6. I'm not 100% sure, as I haven't got it yet. But, I've just checked hwbot and none of the current 'j' chips show as 'j' in CPUz, well, the ones with images don't, not sure about the ones with links, as canard pc is down. Would it be ok, if I added a picture of the chip, to prove it?
  7. I'm not 100% sure, as I haven't got it yet. But, I've just checked hwbot and none of the current 'j' chips show as 'j' in CPUz, well, the ones with images don't, not sure about the ones with links, as canard pc is down. Would it be ok, if I added a picture of the chip, to prove it?
  8. Ticket ID: 738 Priority: Low There is a section on the site for P4 520, but just wondering if possible to create a 520j, as its the energry efficent model, been done for other chips, just wondering why not this one too \r\n\r\nhttp://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SL7PR
  9. This might make sense, it might not, but from my personal experience with 3dmark, you will get your GPU to a certain overclock, and if you up the core any more your score will decrease unless you raise the memory speed too, same with the CPU i guess, you either need to up it some more to overcome this or raise your GPU to compensate. More isn't always better!
  10. It's always something simple isn't it?
  11. I'm pretty sure this happened to somebody else and the fix was to enter something different into the description field, try that and see?
  12. Thanks, I feel special now I agree, would help if it was a bit more visible. I donated 10 euros, so no. If I donated 20 euros my team would get a star.
  13. Do I get a little star like the others?
  14. Just cleared out my paypal, should be 10 euros on the way, not much, but it helps
  15. Very nice! I want one just to look at
  16. Just in case you've missed this one jmke, but I understand you're a busy guy I'd appreciate it if you could look into it, because I've tried and tried and this score is just not possible using a 7600LE.
  17. Ticket ID: 647 Priority: Low Hi, This happened last night and I put it down to user error, I was uploading some CPU results and used the "prepopulate fields by previous submission"? Then it's happened again today - http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_7600_le?tab=hall%20of%20fame I uploaded an 01 score for this card, it showed up fine, an hour or so later I had the boints for it. Then, I added the 03 result, it uploaded fine but this time, the 01 result has changed to an 03 result also, as you can see it's messed up. I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing my end or a problem with the site and the prepopulate fields function, could be worth looking into it. Peter EDIT: Just deleted the 01 score from the 03 category and re submitted without using the prepopulate, and submitted an 05 without prepopulate and they have both worked ok as far as I can see. Definately an issue with the prepopulate function.
  18. I did notice it speed up a little, yes, it wasn't that slow to begin with though.
  19. Ticket ID: 644 Priority: Medium Hi,\r\n\r\nBit of a strange issue, not sure if it\'s intentional or not, but it certainly never happened before.\r\n\r\nWhen you type in, for example, Phenom II to the CPU search, the results are now sorted alphabetically instead of numerically, which was helpful.\r\n\r\nWould it be possible to change this back or have an option for users to chose from?\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\n\r\nPeter.
  20. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=637047 Hi, The link above shows a Celeron 480 but the screen shot shows an E6400? I tried to report but wasnt able. Peter.
  21. Will it be fixed anytime soon then jmke?
  22. Hi, I am in the process of benching onboard VGA of an ASUS P5KPL-VM (which is GMA 3100 IGP) I try to view the scores on hwbot and I can't, anybody know why or how I can? It happens when I type in GMA 3100 or G31 It would be good if this was resolved quickly as I only have until tomorrow to bench it Thanks, Peter.
  23. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=835893&popup=true I didn't run it at the correct resolution - I re ran it, and it's now valid but I haven't got the points. Just a little nudge to whoever needs to see it Peter.
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