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Everything posted by mickulty

  1. So, I did actually report a couple of submissions immediately after they were submitted in the hopes there might be time for a rebench to produce some screenshots that weren't total lemons. Sadly that hasn't happened but what can you do if a team sits on all their scores for a month then posts them at the last minute? Ending up not having chance to correct silly mistakes should be the price you pay. I'm not sure if it would affect the overall ranking at all if some of these were dealt with properly. Certainly I know it wouldn't help my team's rank, which is great because I really wouldn't want to gain from that. Here's the thing. No-one is accusing anyone of actual cheating here. But people make mistakes and the "idiot tax" that results from that needs to be applied fairly. When I ran cinebench on a 1280x1024 monitor I was careful to make sure the entire rendered image was visible, along with window titles cpu-z version and the score. This meant the ranking graph was covered up, which I didn't think would be a problem - turns out it was. I'm fine with that and grateful to websmile for looking through the scores early on so I had time to sort out a bigger monitor and rebench. Now it seems another user benched around the same time and came up with this, which they sat on until the last day: https://d1ebmxcfh8bf9c.cloudfront.net/u8676/image_id_1907172.png Now, we all trust and respect the guy who posted this score. I'm certain they haven't cheated. But surely sandbagging shouldn't let you off the idiot tax? Similar with this 3dmark06 score, the window title is actually explicitly circled in the example screenshot but this totally obscures it: https://d1ebmxcfh8bf9c.cloudfront.net/u7643/image_id_1909354.jpeg Cheat? I doubt it. Silly mistake? Yes, and having sat on the score for long enough that there's no chance to rebench shouldn't give a pass. Again, I really hope not to personally benefit from these scores being dealt with appropriately, but they should be dealt with the same as anyone else's. Unless these are genuinely completely acceptable screenshots, in which case I challenge the hwbot staff to replace the example screenshots with them. If you wouldn't do that, clearly they aren't acceptable and while we know these particular scores haven't been cheated on they should still be subject to the idiot tax. As for system pics, I hope no-one has lost a score over those for this comp.
  2. 100%, especially if it means the bot can be made faster for everyone
  3. The i9-7980XE launch and wider 7900X availability means a ton of world records are being broken. This means every single score below them has to be recalculated. It's not ideal (indiegogo for a better server, anyone? Or maybe Intel could donate some of their new xeons if they're so amazing...) but things should settle down in time.
  4. The celeron submission was just my little joke, I had to test a couple of ebay parts and they matched the competition requirements. All the scores in the table are the average across the required number of submissions. So if you're the only one on your team submitting for a stage that needs three submissions it gets averaged two scores of zero - IE divided by three. This always happens on stages where lower is better, which sounds bad, however there's a second factor at play - the team with most submissions (up to the required number) will *always* be ranked higher. So if a stage needs 3 submissions then 5 subs = 4 subs = 3 subs > 2 subs > 1 sub - even if the 1 sub is amazing and the 3 subs are all awful.
  5. Hey man, not sure why it let you post this without a screenshot but you need a screenshot with results, launch window and cpu-z cpu and memory tabs
  6. New team rule: you don't get to humblebrag about your incredibly lucky hardware finds if you can't even get the manufacturer right :-P Seriously though, hope you find something.
  7. Yeah this has been a great aspect of it. A lot of people on /r/overclocking have gone cold or colder for the team cup, and since putting a callout for RX 480s on the subreddit we've had an amazing response and got a fair few new people signed up. I'm sure other teams have had the same.
  8. Mate this is the compute score of the 1050Ti - not the single-core score. You need to run the CPU benchmark to get a single-core score. Please also check the rules and example screenshot for CPU-Z and GPU-Z windows you need open to prove what hardware you're running.
  9. Nice score but you need cpu-z windows with cpu and memory tabs visible - please check the benchmark rules and example screenshot. I'll have to delete this but hopefully you can rerun and get a better score by setting realtime priority from the menu in the bottom right.
  10. Nice run mate but you forgot the 'show details' :-(
  11. Cheers, really wanted to rerun for one extra point but the voltage was kinda high and my home-made aluminium pot's not really that good hence the 1C temp reading.
  12. Really sorry mate, this is invalid and I have to remove it as superposition has to be run on windows 7 when using a processor other than skylake or kaby lake - see https://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/windows8-81-10.png. This is because of a timer bug in windows 8 and 10 that makes cheats possible. All the 3DMark benchmarks can be run on 10 as long as you validate online and include a validation link as well as the screenshot, you have a nice OC so I'm hoping you can run some of those.
  13. Really sorry mate, this is invalid and I have to remove it as superposition has to be run on windows 7 when using a processor other than skylake or kaby lake - see https://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/windows8-81-10.png. This is because of a timer bug in windows 8 and 10 that makes cheats possible. All the 3DMark benchmarks can be run on 10 as long as you validate online and include a validation link as well as the screenshot, you have a nice OC so I'm hoping you can run some of those.
  14. I've had the same happen, it's really annoying. I'd rather it hard crashed so I didn't have to keep an eye on it. Think my "record" was in the region of 100k with super unstable settings, crashed on everything except GT1... Super easy mistake to make if you aren't watching it like a hawk throughout the run - and sometimes in GT4 it goes so close to the end that it looks like it finished and just took a bit longer to get back to desktop.
  15. Typo in your score mate - you actually score 50 points higher :-)
  16. Pfft, you only have like 30 free golds. Come back when you have over 150. (black hole benchmark 4 lyf)
  17. Hate to say this mate but you missed the detailed result window so this is invalid Any chance you'll be able to rerun?
  18. Yos and I have been having an argument about whether a hypothetical Phenom II X8 would have been better than the FX series. I asked yos to pick a benchmark and he chose superpi. So, let's see that 1100T beat this...
  19. Please can you rerun this at some point and get a screenshot where no part of the rendered image is covered at all? Should be possible to arrange it by resizing the cinebench window.
  20. Mate... you need the "Pi calculation is done!" window visible, along with the checksum. Otherwise this could easily be a score obtained on a 7700K...
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