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Everything posted by Splave

  1. Thinking outside the 6 10 6 box! I like it. Also try 125 strap sometimes it's more stable.
  2. sweet havent benched hard in months still in top 20 cheers
  3. these work nice, http://www.ebay.com/itm/AMD-ONE-CPU-TRAY-HOLDER-SOCKET-939-/160968609911?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item257a7a1077 we used them last year at computex for AMD APU's no bent pins
  4. Heard massman is bringing 80 of them
  5. what was the answer
  6. guys guys.....there is software that does all this already.... and it works on almost every platform
  7. I will come have a diet pepsi with you
  8. massman I think your idea of ES being the same as retail is not wrong but its missing the point. A tray of ES processors can be readily available for some if you have connections deep enough to a company, where as retail is a bit harder to come by in such quantity. Just a side thought. I agree with Pro in pretty much every way. I am lost in the pro league personally as its usually dominated by 3d benches and it all seems a bit boring to me. I miss the old style of pro league.
  9. Time to try the e8600s you have sitting there
  10. can just use money? do you preload this or something?
  11. 3352A was epic......but its a 4770 non k Im retarded
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