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Everything posted by Xyala
hehe, no worry guys the OC show from MSI will be nice anyway. We'll do our best it can't always be perfect but we have to keep in mind that OC competitions cost money, it is in any way a disaster if for this one time there is no stream or a very very basic one. Please don't remember that part and just enjoy the coverage that will be give
We can anyway only use one PC to stream as no livestreaming platform allow to have separate tracks for sound and video and mix alternatively videos form different feeds with one single audio track coming out of a virtual interface. (oen cam stream is easy, then the streaming systems reach their maximum and you need to invest into IRL equipement for video mixing etc ><) Anyway, I discussed the whole thing again this afternoon with trouffman and massman. We came to the conclusion that 3days is definitely to less to prepare a "proper" live show stream. End this even more for different reason, we miss additional notebooks, we don't have the proper camera available in EU on that date (shipment time is way to short now) and it's too much complications and "IF" that makes that we prefer to deliver something "simple" that works than make promises that we will for sure not able to realize. Yes, we could rent cam and equipment but we haven't the time for this now, and not the money anyway. So for this MOA EMEA, I propose that we simply not do live show stream, and if stream there is, it won't be more than a simple cam. We are working on a solution do bring you the screenshots of the scores almost live, and this should be interesting with information on frequencies etc Besides of that we will realize the usual after-movie and try to release during the competition pre-competition interviews made with the contestants. Sorry about that. Next time timings will be better for sure.
Gamer have keyboard for voice activation ... no need an extra button out of the keyboard, wouldn't be uses anyway. Other problem, because it's a last minute planing we have no camera >< besides hd webcam which is far from beeing as nice to use as a real camera. And it's to short for trouffman to send me now the cam by courier... I'm checking video equipment rentals in Turkey. Any turkish friend that could help on that ?
it's just not possible, easier when people open their mic when they want to say something and cut it after so nobody hears things that shouldn't be heard - no doable ^^ We need at least keyboard on the desk for activating the mic. No choice on that. I clearly understand that MSI people can't check in addition to what overclockers what they do on an extra laptop. The simple thing is laptop not accessible and wireless keyboard on the desk I think.
I don't know how the guys will do to access info .. maybe computer is allowed during the setup time ... The problem because there is a lot of ambient noise on these events, putting the laptop away from the table would mean activation fo the microphone on sound level .. which will be difficult. I was planing to have push key to talk, which makes the sound much better when multiple people are in the same noisy environment. Wireless headsets are much to expensive anyway ... and doesn't solve the problem of mic activation. (or ... wireless keyboard, laptop under the table .. We need then 3 wireless keyboards.
Bad news guys, I discussed with Master Giorgio this morning, we cannot do the headset thing for one reason. OCers competing aren't allowed to have laptop on the desk or anything that could be used as an additional storage drive. So the headset thing for overclockers won't be possible, cause it's to complicated to control and make sure people won't use the laptops to transfer screenshots or whatever other thing Too bad... Any idea of how we could solve this problem ?
hehe yeah it will be a bit DIY but should work But we know from experience how bandwidth is ect, so we keep it very simple and do it for fun and the sake of OC as said. Well for the interview I'll try to record them all before and after. but I need you guys to be ready for it. It's just 10min before (can be un the thursday, day of Arrival) and then after (during the breaks or at the end) BTW at the end, please don't run away or run to the panel discussion, so we can do quickly something with the top 3 teams.
First of all : OCTV's MOA Live Broadcast is not closed! It Open to contribution and anyone that would like to contribute for the sake of OC is welcomed to help and participate. Let's do it All right so here is how we are going to do: Global Stream (video) + Live Talk Show (Sound over the streamed video) We have started to working on a plan a would like you guys to take a look and tell us what you think about. We are trying to keep it simple but should be efficient enough. Check out the Draft Plan of the Live Talk Show https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/overclocking-tv.com/ccc?hl=en&hl=en&key=tvZvF93ks2lUU5jyUaAIIVw&authkey=CKbXkMUJ#gid=0 During the live, we will give out 3 Headsets to Competing Overclockers so that they can easily connect to the audio and share their progression, and also give their opinion on the different discussion topics. They will also be able to talk between themselves to discuss easier problems they could encounter live etc. Off course as these people will be competing they won't talk all the time. So here is what is planned during the rest of the time : - Discussions - Score update discussions Guest Speakers A few people can be on the Live Talk Show as full time guest, and others can join from time to time to give their opinion etc. Details about the joining on the live talk show during the competition 'non-planned' will be explained in the next days with all the necessary details. (Notice that you will all be able to actually voice-chat all together in a "public waiting room" of that voice server! Discussion Topics: Discussion on the Qualification Process for competitions: Live, noLive, picked etc. Discussions on the rules, CPU limitation, lock competition for SB CPU Discussions on the motherboards that are full OC or mix Gamer/OC faetures Discussion on Bench meetings that take place. Good thing/bad thing. Impressions, get people to pay for good benching conditions (little price and ln2 acces) Discussion on Overclockers visiting more and more IT fairs. Direct contact with vendors? goal:hardware for free , motivations? (XS party .. no party for Cebit etc..why not?) Discussion on F1 OC, present theoverclocker and talk about the lates issue. Discussion for HWBot and upcomming rev4 We need from you guys two things : - Feedback on the Discussion Topics, do you have more ideas etc. Topics you want to add, we are open to any ideas! - Volunteers that would be like to be "full time guest speakers" (so beeing available for the whole competition and help out on the discussion and participate actively) You need to be sure about that! No last minute cancel please and come with working microphone (no crappy one) - Volunteers that would like join for a specific topic or can only be here a few hours but really wish to participate in the debates live. Please give us the information like this: What you want to do: How much time : (full time/less .. how long and when) !!! We'll contact you through MP so please check actively you inbox if you wish to be part of it Any questions, feel free to ask!
Well I can give you a quote where we was told that they can't confirm Bandwith and that stream wasn't a priority for this event ^^ So .. but anyway, lets work it all together. Better do a good stream all togetehr than everyone in his corner. I have started working on the show schedule with trouff and massman. Once the first draft is out, we'll share it to you guys and discuss the tech details about it