@Elmor streaming is 500kbt/s maximum, but its possible to drop some frame or reduce a bit the bit-rate of course.
This is only video+audio to the livestream server (uplaod only). Then for the show (talk over the live, discussions etc) you need to count a minimum of 150kbit/s upload and download for the voice.
@Massman, ME4ME understood well.
So, OCTV says, no bandwidth confirmed, no streaming.
There "may" be bandwidth ... but nobody is sure of that. I think maybe Cyph3r Smurf, as you said plans to use the "maybe little" bandwidth amount available for only the nordics. And then if there is not enough, well then press can enjoy a great 56k speed! Or a 5FPS on the stream
MSI didn't gives any restriction of bandwidth per media, so the one that want's can just take it all
So that is why we won't stream as long bandwidth isn't confirmed. And we don't plan to do a last minute preparation of a live show.
We don't want to take the risk to tell everyone there will be a stream, work hard on it and then like in Paris last year have twice less bandwidth than "confirmed" ><
FACTS : MOA EU last year, official supplied internet was so shit we couldn't stream properly. We had to use a hotspot of the hotel.
GOOC EU last year, bandwidth was so low that gigabyte asked the press to upload as less as possible to save bandwidth for the stream.
(and for both cases, speed was guaranteed before .... so what will it be when you don't even know the speed before? We don't take the risk to waste time and I think all will understand)
This is what we said and what we will do. No stream.
In my opinion, OC is a e-sport where competition audience is "only" on internet as right now competitions never took place is convenient and accessible cities where audience is actually invited. So the audience is on Internet. It's sad that everytime it's a struggle to actually get a "good" internet. we just ask for 2mbt/s symetric for the whole press, it isn't that much I think...
I'm really sad about it, hopefully there will be more efforts or "money" put into stream at the APAC and WW finals.