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Everything posted by Xyala

  1. Still looking for a place on the floor somewhere ... anyone ? Need a reply soon Thanks
  2. Oh, would be actually interested by maybe some vodka BTW, OCTV got a little accommodation outage in last minute, any place where we could kinda join in (participating in the costs of course)?
  3. oh ok, nice! The more benching, the better!
  4. @ smoke and slams, is it finally confirmed the benching on ASRock's booth or not yet ?
  5. Overclockers from the moa that are still in Taipei. Tomorrow is the National day. If you don't know what to do yet here is the plan. Morning : starting at 9am, National celebration in the city center (MRT NTU Hospital station) Military parade etc.. Noon : Cultural activities around the Taipei main station Afternoon : Starting at 3pm, up the river. There will be some activities and probably some interesting touristic stuff to see. Night : 9pm Fireworks more details : http://english.taipei.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=7058269&ctNode=8557&mp=100002&ctype=B&cid=100002010&oid=engTaipei If you want to join us, let me know 0970533134
  6. Whoops just realized I was logged under trouffs account ><
  7. Site is "finally" back on ^^ Link to the news with Exclusive pics from the venue, and map as well as detailled event schedule aside of the benching for those that are interested in knowing everything about the "life" next to the event http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/news/10988/moa-2011-jakarta-here-we-are/ And now live : http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/news/11009/moa-2011-take-your-gear-ready-go/ http://overclocking-tv.com/live
  8. Leaving my home for Jakarta ... Long 25hour trip, see you there
  9. APAC site link : http://www.msi-moa.com/APAC-2011/
  10. haha, operation twoforforty Mouahaha ! Can't wait to be there. Guys, we plan (as usual if internet is good enough) to stream, but most importantly having talks about OC and hadrware during the live. We are looking for indonesian people press and enthusiast that would like to join on stage the talks. (send me a pm or email) Proper english level is required for that, but I don't think thats an issue for most enthusiast Whoever else from the worl would like to add it's contribution to the debate can join to, send me a pm as well. As usual, as Internet is still not guaranteed we can only prepare and hope But this could be quite fun.
  11. They completely lost me in translation with their names ><
  12. apparently rumors confirm that the venue (laGrandeur Hotel) would also be the place where the OCers will stay. But I'm not quite sure .. *like rumors *
  13. Some more informations have been given to us today by MSI HQ about the APAC finals. http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/news/9857/msi-moa-2011-apac-finals-dates-and-facts.html Exact gear and rules/benchmarks still needs to be confirmed, but I suppose I should be pretty similar to EMEA one.
  14. Thanks, it's indeed a good thing to show everyone with a little focus on the top3. So everyone can show the video to their friends and have a nice souvenir of the event to keep. Thank you Most of the time I recorded with the cam on the tripod, but with the cables on the ground it still happens to have so shakes, need tripod with suspension hihi Chuuuuut, this is what everybody knows, but the thing that nobody should talk about. But this time everyone can confirm, there was "no beer" during the working hours at least .... Big thanks to all the others for your nice comments. It's really heart warming! Don't forget to share this video on your forums and communities, your are what keeps us alive Little note as feedback for MSI : This video was a struggle to edit due to the low light, so please MSI do it like in Vegas: maximum light on stage please It's better pics, and videos for everyone So a more beautiful coverage in the end.
  15. J-2 for Aftermovie Finalizing it tomorrow afternoon Happy Eastern all
  16. Interviews with the top 3 of MOA EMEA are up! http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/events/9436/moa-2011-interview-with-the-top3.html Enjoy //mod edit: just embedded them in this post
  17. I discussed a bit with the MSI people at the event. So date isn't decided yet, but it should be or the last eek of June or the first week of July. So no more early June as heard before. Which is pretty normal imo. With computex they will have other things to do than organization in addition to computex stuff an oc live event.
  18. check out the last interview there are some more details about the "diet"
  19. Uploaded 46Gb of raw material to our storage server in Sweden ... Trouffman? Good luck! Encoding the Russia team interview, and uploading the Greek team one. Hotel internet sucks a lot, PutaMadre is crying ^^
  20. Interview with the winner team : The others are coming later, I have to leave soon and no time to encode/upload before the internet is cut. I'll try to have it done by tomorrow ...
  21. I had always this style, event when I didn't knew trouffman ^^ By the I have lost my Tripod Bag. Someone probably took it from the venue. It's a black long bag. Please please please, I need it! So drop it at the reception or give it to me (room 1001) ! Thanks!
  22. Interview with elmor : Team germany encoding ... EDIT : German team :
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