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Everything posted by Xyala

  1. Oh yeah! Good news everyone! The Aftermovie is out, Check it out!. And as usual, feel free to share / embed and more in your local forums! (Thanks for your support) Also, here is the Behind the scenes that recaps the different parts of the event More to read here: http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/events/19253/msi-moa-2013-aftermovie-and-bts/
  2. OC freestyle day results , New world record!!! English: http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/events/19190/msi-moa-2013-freestyle-competition/ French: http://www.overclocking-tv.com/fr/content/evenements/19193/msi-moa-2013-competition-libre/
  3. Also, a big thanks from the OCTV crew for having attended and watched the livestream. In order to pitch our ideas, improve things and keep pushing it, we would appreciate a few minutes of your time to feel the following survey: http://bit.ly/live-feedback
  4. And here is the OverClocking-TV playlist of this MOA 2013. Enjoy, and as usual: Feel free to share, re-post, re-use etc. http://bit.ly/msi-moa-2013
  5. If you are watching the #msimoa livestream, we've added one more location at Twitch.tv Refresh, or visit : http://www.overclocking-tv.com/live/
  6. Update video from the mid-competition:
  7. Ok, checked in at the hotel. Room 922 Posted some pictures of todays preparation meeting at MSI: Also, if some need additional informations on the event etc, check this post: http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/events/19077/msi-moa-2013-worldwide-finals-and-livestream/
  8. Our pictures from the tourism day in the city:
  9. Interviews with the top3 Teams: Enjoy and feel free to share / re-post on your local forums. Ukraine: France: (sorry it's in french - of course ^^ ) Europe: Epic event vlad, loved it. Extreme internet Aftermovie following soon!
  10. All right guys, a few updates. By now all of you should have noticed that the live is happening here: (as usual) http://overclocking-tv.com/live Scoreboard is here: http://asus-open.com/grid Now the Stage 1 is over since an hour or so, and Stage 2 (01 and 11) are ending in about 50 minutes. We've just posted a summary of what happened in stage 1 for you to catch up: http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/events/18989/aooc-stage-1-report-2d-benching/'>http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/events/18989/aooc-stage-1-report-2d-benching/ http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/events/18989/aooc-stage-1-report-2d-benching/ Also if you are lazy to read, check out the video here: More soon! Oh yeah and I forgot: pictures form OCTV are available here: And Remember All OCTV content is licensed under a creative common license 3.0 BY-NC-SA. So please feel free to share, spread, re-use, re-publish any of our contents (partially or entirely). As long as you stage the specific sources and give credit as it should be Enjoy!
  11. We are arrived. Waiting in the lobby to greet the guys arriving. 2458 our room.
  12. Trouffman had left the set on the day I shot that (to return to Canada) so I only had one camera. Thus, I had to repeat the whole process for each angle and be precise in post production to sync it all together. Gear used was our Panasonic GH1 camera.
  13. Hi Guys! Since it has a bit of a link with overclocking and overclocking hardware i post this here ... Mods, feel free to move it to Off-topic if you judge that it is more appropriate. Some of you might have seen in on FB, but why not re-sharing it here: This is still quite experimental and we will be soon back in Taiwan for some more overclocking timelapse fun. If you like it, feel free to share and give feedback. Music can be downloaded here (Big thanks to DJ FireBlack for the custom track) : http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/video/18838/venomlapse-video-the-overclocking-time-lapse-experiment/ Enjoy!
  14. This is going to be Epic, looking forward to see you all there! BTW, Make sure to check out this news here: http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/events/18804/aooc-asus-open-overclocking-cup-2013/ And check join the Facebook event: ww.facebook.com/events/707911539224006 -> more event details as agenda, venue and hotel on Monday!
  15. Yeah sweet! Hopefully will be making it there
  16. I'm always keen to consider that "dreams can come true" but I fear that this one might not make it on the list haha.
  17. More new post on BackpackGeeks! Melbourne: http://www.backpackgeeks.com/2013/05/melbourne.html & The Great Ocean Road: http://www.backpackgeeks.com/2013/05/the-great-ocean-road.html Next stop Pert on the 11th! Who's over there?
  18. All right guys, got some updates here! First par of the trip along the south-Sydney East coast: http://www.backpackgeeks.com/2013/04/east-coast-south-of-sydney.html Then second part in Tasmania: http://www.backpackgeeks.com/2013/05/tasmania-travel-tale-with-nature.html I'm now in Melbourne and will be having a drink with Ducan at the James squire hotel (dockslands) at 5ish (TODAY) who ever likes to join for talks of hardware and OC, please join!
  19. All European passports work in Taiwan. 90 days landing Visa without condition (well, actually there is only one condition. You must have a return flight before 90days - but usually nobody cares)
  20. well done! Like that
  21. Another cheap way of flying in from EU would be to fly to Singapore. Then take a low coast flights from there with scoot.it or others for example. Might be slightly longer but can reduce prices by 25% I guess.
  22. east europe ... hmm....
  23. Small update to let you know that I've started a blog to write what's going on during the trip. Essentially picture sharing etc. Might do also a few geek hardware for camper reviews Anyway, have a look: http://www.backpackgeeks.com/ (Note the logo .. DIY, made with clay ... )
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