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Posts posted by Strunkenbold

  1. All hardware is allowed to to compete in our rankings. In general, you would just look up CPU-World to see if these are known S-Spec codes for any production processors and then submit in that category. These CPUs however don't seem to be in their database, CPU-Z also fails to detect them and they are so special that I think we just add individual categories to our db. Even though some might be matched to something knowed, I just went ahead and created categories for the CPUs you mentioned:






    As always, you have to proof which hardware youre using. So either you provide photo verification or use hwinfo in case it reports correct info.


    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, TheRealKiwi said:


    I've submitted a TimeSpy Score and an PCMark7 Score, but only TimeSpy rated.. the PCMark7 ist not rated (did two Benches and both submissions are not rated).
    Did i something wrong or just a bug? If everything is ok, can it be scored?
    The score page is marked as "CountryCup 2020 - PCMark7 Score"




    The ranking is by socket. Bullshooter already made an AM4 result which is better than yours. 

    Look here for coordination of the german team:


  3. On 11/29/2020 at 12:15 PM, klopcha said:


    Okay guys, i get it.


    I found the flaw. Cpuid doesn't understand different modifications (and user not add photo their MB).

    Like MSI 865PE Neo2 (MS-6728) and 865PE Neo2-P (MS-6728)


    MSI 865PE Neo2 in wrong category Neo2-P

    Example my 865PE Neo2-P (-PSB) in Cpuid  http://valid.x86.fr/rhxjzp

    I think it's the same with a other motherboards. Example Abit IS7/IS7-E/IS7-G http://valid.x86.fr/y9pwpm

    Should be all merged to one category in my opinion. But we dont have the technical possibilities at the moment. Moved diaboliks sub for what its worth...

    • Like 1
  4. Would be cool to have points only enabled for specific hardware generations. Running 3DM99 on TNT2 can be fun, why not give points for this? On the other hand, awarding hardware points running 3DM05 on a GF 3090 makes not much sense. 

    IMO we give way too many points, I found it pretty overwhelming when I benched something 3D in the last days. So many benchmarks, so much to install and run. Every bench has it own clock limits. Looking for the best clocks for every benchmark can be very time consuming and frustrating. I mean, instead of soldering, flashing and clocking you do now run benchmarks for hours just too have them all. This feels very repetitive. There are now over 30 benchmarks to score hardware points. That is way too much. Sure, you will say no one forces you to run each bench, just run the ones you like. But ranking should be about who is the best tweaker not about the person who has unlimited time.  Maybe we should focus on just 10 benchmarks for every generation if something like that can be implemented.

    Source of the problem is clear, new generation GPUs makes old benchmarks obsolete as they run pretty early in the CPU limit. Thats not the case for 2D benchs. Even with new gen CPUs, people hunt SuperPi 32m record. But with each new gen we enable another bench for points and suddenly you have simply too many.

    • Like 1
  5. On 11/27/2020 at 1:23 PM, Antinomy said:

    It would be better if you've put links to all the results but I got you. You mean you have better results in both x1 CPU and x2 CPU but since your x2 CPU is lower, it's hidden and in the x2 rankings a lower result is shown. This is an interesting bug and I believe that the right way is to show your x2 result with zero points awarded.
    I'll try to report this bug but it's a long to-do list.

    Since the score of the best 2x result doesnt matter if there is already a better result with only one CPU and the ranking itself for 2x CPU is totally irrelevant for single threaded benchs, I wouldnt call that a bug. In the end its a unified ranking handling out points equally to all competitors.

    • Like 1
  6. Dunno if we still talk about the same thing? Why removing those points?

    There are long standing bugs, first one is not really a bug but could be made a little bit more elegant:

    1. For single core benchmarks, it doesnt matter how many CPUs you have. So those "Single Socket", "Dual Socket tabs should be only visible for multi threaded benchmarks. Maybe we can group those benchmarks on the CPU overclocking records page differently? 


    2. If you click the benchmark ranking of single threaded benchmarks, Number of cores should be "Any" by default.



  7. On 11/26/2020 at 1:25 AM, yosarianilives said:

    I've always understood it as being allowed because it used to not be detectable so can't make new scores compete with old scores that may've had it. Timespy and newer you already cannot disable tess as it was always detectable during the life span of Timespy. 

    Yes thats right, although Im not sure if Timespy uses Tess at all? You can run timespy with disabled tess but vali will be invalid and score doesnt change at all.

  8. IMO it was never a good idea to allow disabling tess. It made a lot scores not comparable to the real world. I also dont see how you can call it tweaking if you simply disable a feature via one click. Its not like 3dm01 where you have to find the best value for each scene. I hope next benchmark from FM simply refuses to run if tess got disabled.

    • Thanks 2
  9. On 11/14/2020 at 6:10 AM, klopcha said:

    Please add:

    Acorp 6LX66

    Acorp 6BX81

    Tiga Ti-693A+

    PC Partner PM601AMS3-T898C http://support.pcpartner.com/products/old-via/DM-t898.htm

    Soltek sl-65LIV-T

    Soltek sl-65kv2-t

    Soltek sl-65kv2-ct

    EPoX EP-8RGM3I

    MSI 915G Combo

    MSI 915G Combo2

    MSI  KT3 Ultra2-C

    MSI KT3 Ultra2-CL






    But in general, if you dont have valids, please provide information directly from manufacturer. Maybe only available via waybackmachine.

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