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Everything posted by nacho_arroyo

  1. I have also this chip to sale, is RETAIL, batch Malay J505B253, perfect condition. Here the chip potential: http://hwbot.org/submission/2899673_nacho_arroyo_xtu_core_i7_5820k_2230_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2899687_nacho_arroyo_cinebench___r11.5_core_i7_5820k_18.42_points http://hwbot.org/submission/2899679_nacho_arroyo_cinebench___r15_core_i7_5820k_1694_cb http://hwbot.org/submission/2899694_nacho_arroyo_gpupi_for_cpu___1b_core_i7_5820k_3min_9sec_762ms http://hwbot.org/submission/2899696_nacho_arroyo_hwbot_prime_core_i7_5820k_8311.33_pps http://hwbot.org/submission/2899668_nacho_arroyo_geekbench3___multi_core_core_i7_5820k_33408_points I am asking 435U$S with cost shipping incluid.
  2. I have this chip to sale, is and ES CPU, batch Malay J4310020, perfect condition, not tested in LN2 cause i have another one for it, bettar than this. This CPU run 4500MHz with 1.275Vcore 1.9VCCIN all bench execpt XTU, for XTU need 1.315vCORE. IMC could run 3000 c9 under WC CPU and AIR MEM. I am asking 800u$s with cost shipping incluid. The payment method is a transfer to account on Chase bank in USA.
  3. hehehe, pipi 3channel hahaha! nice run man! keep ocing it!
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