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Posts posted by pro

  1. up vcore more and back off on vrin, try it that way also


    very nice retail chip there


    btw carl is benching XTU up to 1.944vcore which has prime95 and linpack on his retail so VRM should not be OCPing running pifast


    those shutoffs are like cold bug issues basically. also vrin being pushed high can sometimes distabilise it more and i am not using slow mode button much. higher vrin can also reduce CB a bit on some chips. it messes up with stability when it shouldnt for some reason


    im not much of a memory frequency type but same principles apply except you dont have to touch tertiary timings, just loosen up primary and secondary and then play with temperature and voltage i mentioned above

  3. only have 2 sticks gskill psc literally, one seems good, other is shyte


    so just did some really quick testing with one stick until i get some decent PSCs. im sure there would be plenty more to tweak there still but at least something to get some ideas flowing :up:


    26.00 ratio seems to be working really well. tried 26.66 also and clocked similarly too


    all air


    1352 8-12-8-28-18-88 32M SuperPi




    1365 8-12-8-28-18-88 32M SuperPi















  4. Hy boys...For Z87X-UD3H there is only F5 bios version ? Because the vcore max for cpu is only 1.8V...Any way to go 1.9V ?




    is your CPU actually scaling past 1.8v? Also when you set VRIN to 2.9 you will get another 0.5v. If you still need more let me know and i will ask bios team to make a bios with higher vcore

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