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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. the english premiere league doesnt promote its 2nd, 3rd divisions like its top division, why would it? it doesnt have the same impact, i think if you want to be seen by "sponsors" or whatever, you need to be in the top league
  2. i agree with my bench-mother team mate, what you also have to keep in mind is this is essentially making people move to pro league because they have something thats not retail, what about if i do some mods to my 7970 that i didnt tell anyone about, do i need to go straight to pro league? what if I find a new way to do copywaza that gains me 2 more seconds in 32m? do i need to move to pro league too? what about if i send my board back for RMA and they replace a capacitor, its been modified now by Gigabyte or ASUS, its not as it was retail, do i need to move to pro league? this is a moot point i think
  3. hahhaha nice, i remember this one, finally posted, awesome
  4. dude thats sick, i hate seeing the situation with 3d01 and 580, but i love seeing a really efficient 01 score and you certainly have one here, nice work dude
  5. andre why you trying to dull down X79 launch by posting your AMD result on the same day? Intel will be upset with you
  6. BBSE junk these are good PSC loving
  7. Ram on LN2 btw, but I dunno how to edit it now!
  8. thanks guys, was alot of fun, hiwa yeah i also found this kit doesn't like cold, actually i have a new kit and it doesn't like cold or high volts, but an old kit that likes -20 and 2.0v for this result i used only 1.78v and air.. and X58 is much stronger for driving high density DIMMs than P55, i think it is IMC of Gulftown, or maybe my Lynnfields just have weak IMC, i already sent my best IMC chip to hicookie totally bclk limited, more in this setup
  9. an excellent run mate it makes me really happy to see people learning, understanding and running great pcmark scores keep it up
  10. wow nice work Gyrock, 185 seems like the business
  11. lol u never use backup in your life, who are u kidding hiwa?
  12. problem is my 6970s are in my bitcoin rig lol, ill stick to 5870!
  13. 1 PSU for each GPU for sure if you want to get the maximum out of these 580s..
  14. LOL so sf actually stands for serious failure? oh ok i didnt realize i thought it was sampsa fiend
  15. sweet Steve really like this one.. i havnt benched for a while so i got no backup floating around, will be in the next few weeks and see what pops out.. im liking that virusscan, very impressive dude
  16. soon i hope man, i dunno, maybe x79 or something, just want to smash on something, maybe 11 or 03 or something.. got that feeling in me.. how come, we benching?

  17. im liking this rules updates, guys are putting up some cool scores.. long live pcm05 !~@
  18. holy moly dude, thats awesome, can you teach me how to bench 3d03 next weekend?
  19. That's the deal dude, great to see you working on this bench
  20. cool sounds good, to be honest gautam convinced me about removing the cap, i think it should go, but i like these new rules, they give a bit more direction and thats what is needed
  21. ah cool, glad to hear that,


    next step, taking over the world

  22. oh i dunno whats up with validation, saw the other guy with 1300+ is having validation issues also...
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