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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. yes, the more components involved the better, like cdrom components or pci-express bandwidth components, all give new challenges
  2. yes i think it makes things interesting, and people have to optimize that as part of the benchmark, as long as everyone knows that, and its an open thing, it makes for a great idea
  3. HWBOT'S GREATEST EVER EVENT! hey massman your not just an a$$hole after all
  4. LOL i said exact same thing to him wtf is veeesta
  5. bravo nice score guys, its great there is a bit of pcmark scores coming out at the moment, im loving this!
  6. http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa50/preeeezy/pcm05_38xxxx.jpg
  7. http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa50/preeeezy/pcm05_38xxxx.jpg
  8. i think you need to remove noob from your name maybe the lucky can stay!
  9. thanks guys, 4x hx1000 is a mistake haha.. 1x hx1000, i think our Greek friends have something to share in the 38,000 realm though, i will need to get back on my benching
  10. What us the we listing? Do I need to submit manually there?
  11. This is was best for me, I think this score is ok, it was done a while ago but I remember all my scores at this settings being very similar, it is a fun bench
  12. uh CMON guys, stay on topic here, Anyone that says either Jody or Nick have cheated in any way, and infact also Andre, you better have some proof.. OKAY andre gave out a score to someone, he shouldnt have done that, but lets discuss what this topic is for, hwbot changes..
  13. LOL okay so its a stupid video but i LOVE the choice of music thats awesome
  14. relax dude, no one said anyone cheated.. and if they did they are jumping to conclusions..
  15. hey sam, dont remove your result bro, thats the wrong way to go about this, i dont think anyone here said, dude your cheating, they wanted to see yoru amazing result.. i dont think the SCORE is in question, because its not, if you hit those settings, youll get that score... whats in question is if its capable to do that settings on this platform.. if i were you id show and make everyone stfu if you post a video i am more than happy to do the same man
  16. ah damnit, i have been slowly modding a gt210 card up to practice some higher end mods.. i was hoping to use it for something... there are plenty of cheaper gpus that could be alot fo fun though
  17. i think if your benching for any other reasons except because you enjoy overclocking its the wrong reason... if you enjoy competing on hwbot or competitions, do it, if you just want to potter at your own pace on air do it, at the end of the day its about a hobby thats enjoyable.. and hopefully you dont have to mortgage your house to maintain
  18. yeah guys these sort of competition are great, most people can afford to enter, its not a big financial loss if something dies along the way, and the best thing is lots of people enter, so its a real competition instead of just 980x and $500+ mobo okay next competition needs to be nvidia gt210 !
  19. very fast.. i think it is definatly the HCP1200w that make this possible haha well done mate
  20. yeah guys im out also, got a dewar full of ln2 for the open comp this weekend but my board doesn't post anymore, just a big loop.. good luck boys
  21. dinos you put your job in jeapordy, you insult a fellow collegue by asking why hes not using waza when he has 1030 6-6-6 and 5100 uncore at 6.8ghz...
  22. any chance of having a VGA stage?
  23. uncle fester why you try to cheat and provide no screen?
  24. nice dude, thats a serious clock for 1024m i give you +1 for balls for running 1024m in the first place
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