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o polonos

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About o polonos

  • Birthday 09/09/1987


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  1. http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=17707&postcount=9 There is answer
  2. JMKE calm down ... Like i say to Pieter ... Gprhellas cards was sponsored by OKTABIT i think ... If it's true then even if black OPS and QX9650 was sharing beetwen theese two guys it's legal with current rules. Now if you have some problems with Hipro then please solve it via PM mail phone or something else what you like ... BUT if you represent HWBOT CREW with your attacks to members i dont wanna be part of it anymore It's that clear ?
  3. Set pci in BIOS on 107 or 110 Mhz your problem should be resolved
  4. 1 year it's better
  5. 1st of all please be more gentle ... As i can see your result are blocked becouse in ss resolution are not shown... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=666055 Vga type not shown... You use advanced edition of 3dmark 06 so you can change resolution in settings... If you have compare link please post it ... in other way your score gonna stay blocked! Edit Scan date: 18-11-2007 09:54 its only 4 months ago ...
  6. We can leave poll to talk Single card is the winner as i can see...
  7. One PCB = single card to me If im gonna buy 3870x2 im gonna buy ONE card NOT TWO
  8. Your compare link was down and thats the reason
  9. issue about Jeannette are closed gentlemans If someone have received PM can delete it
  10. When in score we have invalid checksum and ss missing we block theese scores
  11. We gonna investigate it
  12. Good morning George Yes im moderator but i cant be in everyone houses to see what going. Yes im in OOS team and im proud of it... Yes if im gonna see the CPU are the same im gonna block theese scores by my own. From threads like this dont gonna be nothing good i think. If you see something suspicius you can report it and crew team gonna be investigate it. I cant underastand why you attack OOS team so much ... Please dont start this war over and over again we dont gonna continue it
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