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Everything posted by steponz

  1. No worries slacker... your all good.... cant wait!!!!
  2. Also if people need some rides.. please communicate . Always willing to try to help others get there...
  3. Gonna be a fun time. Im not sure what hardware im gonna bring yet.. hoping fir some x299.. but we will see.. i should be able to bring some extras.. will be some giveaways also. Even if ya dont want to bench.. come and hang out ... ya want to learn.... no problem helping with that also... hope to see a bunch of guys there!!!!!
  4. 1st thing..... Only a bios publicly released can be used for competition.. share it then it can be used. Honestly there is no advange in the bios you have. You want to use it... then everyone can. Post it up.
  5. Yep.. what web said... Also 7350k should be dropping even more in price this week. Since the Amd stuff has caused the price cuts. The chip is around the same price as last year and were even harder to get rid of. Have fun...
  6. Its not changing from 7350k and this isnt a full binning game, its going to take time and patience. Zero, All z170 and z270 retail boards are allowed.
  7. Surprised your even doing water man... that hot day.. lol
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