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Everything posted by voidn

  1. Being able to generate text based sigs much like the current sigs would be great on sites that don't allow banners.
  2. Just plain awesome! /Thirty Seven! (clerks anyone?) //lol at mrmagoo fiasko. Perhaps an ip ban is in order. Though thats easily bypassed also.
  3. I'm new to benching but your results and crazy hw mods made a big impression on me. And probably lots of other lurkers. The community will be at a loss if you quit . Edit. Sli hack is kickass, I hope to use it to storm the 3d01 ranks some day. And 8.199 cpuz is EPIC!
  4. Won't it make you sad when it still gets schooled by c2d?
  5. Same here. Been at it less than a year, wish I found the scene years ago .
  6. Nice run man. But GT3 is too high (bugged). You'll just have to beat this with the gpu OC'd (gt4 is way low).
  7. Wow, all you have to do is change the sys time. The more people in the know, the more fake scores will be reported. Like 3d03, I bet there are tons of bugged high results getting points right now (though thats a bug not a cheat). Educated benchers will spot bad scores and report them. Thanks for sharing.
  8. 3dmark05 WR's are out of date. Compare with 05 rankings.
  9. Deleted again. Recreated from scratch the problem lies with "prepopulate fields by previous submission" feature....
  10. dual core ranked as 4 core. wtf . sorry in short mood. pls fix. asldfjlkasdfljasdlkjflasdjflkjasdlkjflasdjflkjsdfjkl
  11. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1018767_voidn_wprime_32m_core_2_e6600_2.4ghz_17sec_645ms Just trying to submit an e6600 wprime result and it keeps getting ranked as 4xcpu. Deleted/resubmitted already. Same result. In the middle of a forum vs forum challenge / im fing tired. please fix asap. Thanks Voidn
  12. Sorry man, thats a bugged run. Compare to other submissions with your hardware. http://hwbot.org/init.results.search.do
  13. Actually, I just noticed all the info is in http://hwbot.org/browseHardwareVideoCards.do?gpuFamilyId=162 . Adding an "ALL" field to the Benchmark drop down menu would be handy. "competitive" gotcha. Edit: Every info page has "Popularity: xxxx submissions were made using this processor.". Competitiveness?
  14. It existed for a little while in 3.0 I think. When you entered say "8800" in the Vga quick search it would list all the variations + (# of submissions). Can we get that back? Extremely helpful when looking for popular hardware. Or if that is too DB intensive how about a HW Popularity Ranking page?
  15. Gtx 480 ranks are being displayed incorrectly. Points seem ok though: 3Dmark 2003 GeForce GTX 480 rank: 1st out of 25 http://hwbot.org/community/submission/994158_kingpin_3dmark_2003_geforce_gtx_480_135141_marks 3Dmark 2003 GeForce GTX 480 rank: 16th out of 78 http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1008458_thebanik_3dmark_2003_geforce_gtx_480_104068_marks 3Dmark 2001 GeForce GTX 480 rank: 1st out of 6, good for 2.0 points. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/998347_roccoesa_3dmark_2001_geforce_gtx_480_108155_marks 3Dmark 2001 GeForce GTX 480 rank: 17th out of 18, good for 0.1 points. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/996116_dakara_3dmark_2001_geforce_gtx_480_62892_marks 3Dmark 2006 GeForce GTX 480 rank: 2nd out of 32, good for 13.1 points. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/991995_hiwa_3dmark_2006_geforce_gtx_480_41096_marks 3Dmark 2006 GeForce GTX 480 rank: 47th out of 86, good for 0.1 points. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/990349_withoutgod_3dmark_2006_geforce_gtx_480_33508_marks
  16. Awesome, Thanks!
  17. Some examples http://hwbot.org/community/submission/987374_ http://hwbot.org/community/submission/987439_ Thanks
  18. Nice GulfTown! Unfortunately you need to change this submission to superpi (1m) not 32m.
  19. Nice MattNo5ss, keep it up!
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