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Posts posted by George_o/c

  1. 17 hours ago, yosarianilives said:

    Although I have nothing to worry as I'm not tied with anyone, for future reference how is 1-5 determined in the case of a tie? Sub date?

    Damn dude, I haven't been following hwbot for the past 2-3 months due to work, haven't benched anything! I was amazed though that you managed to get 81 points in XTU and that f*cking 0.61 in x265 :D I must have had like 30 runs at 80 marks for XTU, I tried everything! In the end I told my self that it was not possible to get a better score with 109MHz bclk, you would need even more. You've found the ultimate G470, congrats, nice runs :) My G470 unfortunately only works with single channel now, so I imagine the IMC got hit hard by all this pushing I did :P 

  2. I've seen your X265 scores on celeron G4xx, very nice ;)

    I am coming with a G465 on M5G or M5F, whichever is best for bclk. Nice ram you have in 2300 6-10-6 ! And nice cpu holding 2133 ram multiplier! Between the 1080p and 4K you switched ram coeff from 1866 to 2133, with same timings. Is 4K too demanding ?

    Will see if i go hypers at 2000ish 7-7-7, or psc at 2300 7-10-7

    Hope to come not too far for global :D


    I think G470 is better because of higher multiplier (if I'm not mistaken). The CPU needs to be fairly good on air/water in order to gain just a little bit on SS :D Mine benched x265 and XTU at 107.5 with aircooling and went to 109.5 on SS. You need to tune the BCLK skews in order to max it out, find what's best for your CPU. Also tune the voltages, for example mine doesn't like system agent voltage higher than 1.1V. For some reason VCCIO helped with stability when I set it at ~1.18V.


    After 108 bclk I started encountering some problems with the 1:8 divider, no matter what RAM timings I was using. I spent a LOT of time and managed to get it stable for XTU @ 109 bclk, after looping XTU for 3 times though, system crashed again :P Geekbench for example was not ok with the 1:8 at 109 bclk, neither was x265.


    That's why I switched to 1:7 for really high bclock. Had a small drop in performance but system is fully stable and you can practically just boot, fix your subtimings, and bench :D I believe if I had Hypers at ~1030MHz 7-8-7, my scores would be a bit better. No reason for 1:8 divider if you are going to use Hypers ;)


    Now regarding Globals, I tried so hard to go for the first place on x265 4k, mainly because the system has to be stable for 50 minutes, or 1h30m if you use overkill. It's so difficult to get 0.61 though :D I squeezed some runs at 109.5 bclk but again got 0.6 :D Same goes for XTU, it's incredibly difficult to get more than 80 marks. I tried RAMs at 6-10-6, 7-10-7, 7-11-7, 8-12-8, then dropped to 1:7 divider and tried 6-9-6 with super tight subs, always the same score, 80 marks... Must have seen 80 marks like 30 times, but still no 81 LOL.


    Anyway, I only have Cinebench and wPrime left and then I'll stop torturing the G470 and move to i7 2600 (non-K model) and 2500K. I've already tried 2500K, on SS it maxes out at 54 x 100.5 but I can still get some hardware points so I'm cool with that.


    Thanks a lot for the information and good luck with your benches too :celebration:

  3. If you plan to cotinue benching XTU later, moving now to 8.1 32 bits might be the best choice


    Ps: I am no moderator but I think I understood the rules right :D


    Thanks for the answer, that's what I was thinking of doing ^^

    I wanted to try XTU on 8.1 for ages now, and I guess it should be fine performance wise for Sandybridge. Ah who cares, I'm just having some fun with my SS @ -40*C, so I'm not aiming for top places :D


    hey bolc, I've been using this IME for my maximus iv extreme p67 Download Asus Maximus IV Extreme Intel Management Engine Interface for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows XP 64 bit, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit Will it work on win 8.1 or do I need to download another one?

  4. Just finished going through this thread, I have some questions/remarks:


    1) With this new threshold in points, it means that you have to push for an even better result. For example:


    Current version: George_oc`s 3DMark2001 SE score: 112474 marks with a GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb 23 UHP

    New version: George_oc`s 3DMark2001 SE score: 112474 marks with a GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb 9.5 UHP


    I understand that it's not the best result being 25th out of 600 other people, but scoring points in such popular categories will now be even more difficult. Not everyone has access to LN2. Also, I suspect that the Hardware Team Power Points calculation is not working on uat.hwbot.org, because that particular 8800GT 2k1 result is our team's best 8800GT 2k1 result, but it shows that I score no HTPP at all.


    2) I like the fact that my previous point is balanced out in my particular case, by the increase of hardware points contributing to a user's total points (top 20 scores to top 40 scores). It will certainly make it more difficult for people who now use LN2 on popular VGA categories and max out 20 scores - they'll have to max out 40 scores if they want to get the maximum number of points. It's a bit frustrating for them, but bear in mind that it's also a relieve to others who don't have access to LN2.


    3) Man, some of the hardware points in uat.hwbot.org feel weird now. I guess we'll need some time to get used to it.


    4) As Mr Scott has stated in a previous page somewhere in this tread, I'm disappointed that new revision doesn't bring anything significant from a team's perspective. I don't have the time to overclock as much as I used to, but my ONLY goal is to increase my team contribution. I don't care so much about my points and my ranking on Overclocker's league, as I do about benching stuff that my team hasn't, so that I increase my hardware team power points and therefore my team's total points. As I've mentioned above, I hope it's just a bug on uat.hwbot.org at the moment, because a lot of my scores do not contribute to the team, in spite of the fact they are our best score in that ranking.


    While reading this thread, I have a feeling that a lot of people tend to forget what overclocking is about. Sure the pro category with all the massive scores, high end hardware and manufacturer sponsoring is amazing. Sure, some people want to buy the latest hardware and spend a lot of money in order to achieve a ranking and be better than the other. But you're forgetting all the fun. So no matter what the end result of R7 is, bench whatever you can and try to have some fun! Oh and also, give us back out team power points damn it :D




    //EDIT: I was reading the Revision 7 overview again and noticed this in the Team League section: On our test environment the Overclockers League employs the R6 algorithm. It does not reflect the adjustments of R7!

    This must be the reason why some of the HTPP don't work in uat. :celebration:


    //ΕDIT 2: Looking at the 3D Global points again, I think you're emphasizing a bit too much on 3/4Way setups for legacy benchmarks. Whoever spends money on 4 cards AND has the best CPU will be able to get the WR points no problem. You're taking some of the fun out of overclocking this way :(

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