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El Gappo

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Everything posted by El Gappo

  1. Sounds good to me massman Should be a bit of fun to try out if nothing else. ________ Fix ps3
  2. So I take it global points from say both wprime x1 and x3 are added to the amd league score? Going to have to make cooling selection obligatory as it seems to of screwed with the enthusiast rank already. ________ JUSTIN BIEBER
  3. Glad you got there in the end matey ________ Avandia Recall
  4. Brilliant ________ Mercedes-Benz W212 Specifications
  5. I asked massman about it mate but I thought the same thing and submitted as a 470 originally. Even if you can flash the card up it stays in the category of the original card, like the cpu's. Score shouldn't be hard to beat, it was a bit of a wack clocker anyway I don't mind where it goes, same amount of boints either way. ________ CHEAP CYLINDER ADAPTOR NOZZLE S THUNDER ACC X006
  6. Are they going to be added some time? Would be nice ________ DC MARIJUANA DISPENSARY
  7. And?.... Are andres results ever going to get removed? Bit sick of seeing them... ________ Anal Blonde
  8. Not got the right gpu for it but I'll have a crack on phase. Last time I tried 01 on amd it was a complete disaster so I'm not getting my hopes up lol. ________ Free amateur porn stream
  9. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1315705 Pretty please Stock clock of 3.2 I think. ________ UGGS
  10. Good game guys. Grats pr@$r1g ________ Teen live
  11. Is that voltage right? Crazy man with an ss! ________ Cat Wheel
  12. Is that voltage right? Crazy man with an ss! ________ Creampie Hardcore
  13. Results finally pouring in ________ large tits Webcams
  14. @ MK1 The ram was some budget ocz titanium which was ?25 brand new in the good old days Running 2.2 vdimm because it had degraded pretty heavily. No way on earth they will get through 32m anymore JNL IC's I believe, not the best by anyone's standards but good for low frequency stuff that my hypers can't handle. ________ VIDEO REVIEWS
  15. What's the point having a "golden" chip if you aren't mean to it flanker Seriously tho, 1.62 on this board is like 1.575 on my giga. I'll get the tweaks out for you next time you top me lol. ________ Wendie 99
  16. If you go the the "more" tab there is an edit option. You can upload a new verification image from there ________ Vaporizer info
  17. We just tried to pick a card everyone could get a hold of easy and had high clock potential. You should see some of the crazy ass mods that are going on. Caps the size of your head lol. Is anyone else having trouble submitting? Nobody over at OCN has been able to get one through yet ________ ZOLOFT WITHDRAW
  18. Yeah definitely needs a good tweaking. Frequency over what I ran at with this thuban is pretty much a no go, 1800+ is doable with the older chips so I presume it's just a bios issue. Timings are good and PP seems good so far tho. Guess I'll go see if my sempron can still pull 3800 nb ________ Coach handbags
  19. Wow something went very wrong there. ________ Kokomo Casting
  20. How about if you lie you're banned lol. I do think a compulsory tick box for es/retail should be added for submissions along with the filter option. I'll just keep my fingers crossed to amd es bashers do not lie..... yeah right If it's just a filter option the way cooling and core selection is now with no leader board without actively searching for it there would be less incentive to cheat it. ________ Tdr 250
  21. I've kept my mouth shut thus far in these debates because although I like the idea I can't see it working. There are many flaws in the es argument, one being that AMD do not even mark their es samples clearly and they aren't recognizable in cpu-z screens etc. People lie.. But your unlikely-to-happen comment made my brain fart; What if there was a separate points system that showed up on your profile like globals do but were awarded for "fastest retail sample" or "fastest dice run" "fastest air run" etc? Not effecting overall points or team points because it's to easy to cheat, just points to take pride in. It would be nice for users like myself that cannot get ln2 but still pride themselves on getting the highest results in a given cooling category or on a certain stepping Maybe not even points, just a medal or cup. I think rev 3.5 was a step in the right direction allowing you to search for the highest cooling results. Maybe add retail and es to the filter options also? There are plenty of ways to do it without splitting up the community. Who wants to be king of the amateurs? =/ ________ Creampie Granny
  22. AWESOME result m8! Really having your way with these biostar boards aren't you ________ AIRSOFT ELECTRIC GUNS
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