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El Gappo

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Everything posted by El Gappo

  1. You certainly got a lot better on amd A force to be reckoned with now ________ Lovely Wendie
  2. That's how it's done Nice one mate. Took you all of what? 10 minutes? lol ________ Hemp
  3. Dunno how you managed that one mate, cracking result ________ Huge Tits Cams
  4. Fair enough, wonder should I run my pot passive ________ MOTORCYCLE TIRES
  5. Would be very hard/impossible to boot into windows with any current chip at 2000mhz ram. ________ Marijuana Vaporizers
  6. Very interesting ________ Ford ranger ev
  7. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/975901_blackwarriors_superpi_athlon_ii_x2_255_15sec_730ms This is still happening. Reported a few but they don't seem to go lol. The cpu-z info clearly shows a 955 not a 255. ________ YAMAHA SA2200 HISTORY
  8. Get this on the front page Great job dude! ________ Chevrolet S-10 Blazer Specifications
  9. AHAHHAHHAHHAHA dude you messed that one up lmao! ________ XL185
  10. Stop getting damn global points cups, I'm trying to catch you up here ________ The Cigar Boss
  11. Got over 5.4 but I used the wrong cpu-z Will have a proper crack at this soon. ________ Weed vaporizer
  12. Cheers man. Couldn't find my bloody 5.3.cvf file so this will have to do until I go at it again. This chip is going to be a beast at spi ________ PC50
  13. So how did you get a hold of a 740 or is this an unlocked chip? ________ GRILLING
  14. Did notice some of the submissions got removed but most of them are still there Do all of them have to be reported? ________ SICK FROM PAXIL
  15. For example a 965 becomes a athlon II 265 when cores are disabled http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=900338 That is my own validation and i haven't submitted it. You can tell via the cpu psn and description that it is a 965 and als the fact a 265 doesn't exsist is kind of a giveaway Although this is locking cores rather than unlocking cores I do think it is unethical to create boints for yourself but this has been a problem on hwbot for a while, in my opinion unlocked cpu's should have thier own categories to avoid domination in their original categories by people who just got lucky. jmke It is possible (although not the issue at hand) that most single threaded benchmarks would benefit from this due to a reduction in heat and power consumption, but results in the 965 category showing an athlon II would constantly get reported and deleted. Yet another reason why they should have their own catergory. edit: started typing this after post 3, you stole my thunder and of course this means all athlon categories with corresponding model numbers need checking through, for example 955=255 940=240? etc etc tri's and quads should pull off this little trick ________ Kohls gift card
  16. damn your quick. cheers m8 ________ Medical marihuna dispencary
  17. Ticket ID: 671 Priority: Medium http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K10/AMD-Athlon%20II%20X2%20235e%20-%20AD235EHDK23GQ%20(AD235EHDGQBOX).html much appreciated ________ Lamborghini 400gt monza specifications
  18. maybe instead of merging them you should leave the second category for the new c3 stepping. just a thought ________ VF1000F
  19. Ticket ID: 509 Priority: High my verification http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=674126 would be gratefull as im entering a competition http://www.amd.com/uk/products/desktop/processors/phenom-ii/Pages/phenom-ii-model-number-comparison.aspx ________ buy extreme q
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