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Everything posted by ShaggySVK

  1. Cool result man, but Titans are not allowed in Challenger DIV I: "The graphics card choice is limited to single GPU graphics cards (excl Titan)."
  2. Thanks, stock 1063mV, GPU without any mods whatsoever, wish i could modify that card, seems to be a good sample.
  3. Thanks man! Will try to get even better just need to fine-tune the CPU since there is still some headroom, also need to tinker bit more RAM. ofc any advice is welcome
  4. CPU Was ofc. delided, 90°C got only pre-delid, after never went that high, 1,52v was just on chilled water approx 5°C *edit: no i dint push 1,52v to cpu before deliding...
  5. Hey guys, 2 days ago i was watching some YT video and OS suddenly locked up, so i restarted and got error code 00 on my M.X Apex (system was under very low load, no OC, just set XMP profile). Reseated everything, also cleaned all the contacts on CPU, MEM but no luck. Also got second board, showing CPU LED, no post. CPU was approx. 30 days old, pushed just on H20, never went beyond 90°C or 1,52v vcore, VCCIO/SA also below 1,25v(mostly short term OC). Well sent it to RMA today, hopefully will get replacement soon. Did anyone else CPU die so fast without serious reason also? Thanks Also for anyone's curiosity Batch: L733C478 System: i7 8700K Maximus X Apex (for Troubleshooting MSI Z370A-Pro) G.Skill TridentZ Corsair RM1000
  6. Zombie moded GTX260, with Ghetto moded stock heatsink used as LN2 pot, 1,4v, need to push harder with more LN2
  7. CPU-Z doesnt show memory speed from some reason its 3066Mhz
  8. Hi guyz, I have been searching for a pretty long time for some DDR2's, who could handle 1200Mhz or above. Been trying to push E8400 beyond 550Mhz FSB, but my RAMs cant handle anything above 1110Mhz which is pretty limiting. Any advice or recommendation is welcome. Thanks
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