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Everything posted by andressergio

  1. thanks bro i love the processing power of it and even are xeon i did almost 105BCLK on them
  2. Thanks Guys !!! it's a dual Xeon as it says above 2x Xeon E5 2667 V3 here is the video for you it's in Spanish i live in Uruguay South America Kind Regards for all, Sergio
  3. Thanks a lot my friend took me hours to ger that extra point ! Cheers ! Sergio
  4. estimado te faltó el finished en el GPUPI te la van a reportar y vas a perder los lindos puntos te aviso por las dudas hay varios que se dedican a eso. abrazo y suerte !
  5. Thanks bro you can follow me on my OC page for Latin America share your rigs, your results and write in english we all understand will be awesome to have you there https://www.facebook.com/AndressergioUruguayOC?ref=hl link to my GALAX rigs link to test rigs Thanks a lot ! Sergio
  6. Thanks bro i had a lot of problem with the bot had to talk with admins seems that the time i submit at 2AM to 4AM here some process runs so some of my subm didnt add up
  7. Those R9 290X pump flames on GPUPI !!! I was about to get one but worth it really ? Congrats !!!
  8. Amigo chileno si subes así no te da puntos, tienes que hacerlo como yo te dije en tu reporte a mi. Mi validación es correcta solo que al apretar el boton de OK se va y luego le das SUBMIT. Ya le mande el reporte a los mod del bot. Saludos desde Uruguay.
  9. Carlos buen score te falta la pantalla de detalles el bot esta cambiando las reglas a más estrictas te aviso x las dudas, abzo Sergio
  10. CHENTINOX you forgot to put CPU-Z MEM tab just kind regards Sergio
  11. YOU = 10133 SHOULD MATCH you SCORE, this is what i meant to say
  12. bro verify your screen of cat beacuse says less points 10133 YOU is the correct one, regards Sergio
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