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Everything posted by rsannino

  1. Please check! http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2284894_rsannino_3dmark05_radeon_hd_7970_62271_marks
  2. GREAT SCORE!!!!! AHHHh grande Andrea.... che sorpresona....
  3. Which batch do you have? Even I have degraded two CPU Batch L212BXXX...
  4. wow 680 and ivy for 06 is the best .....GOOD run!!
  5. Please check for WR points : http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2285347_rsannino_3dmark03_3x_radeon_hd_7970_250029_marks Thanks
  6. Bellissimo risultato.... BRAVO!!
  7. Great gabry ....... finally you use LN2
  8. Bravo Gabry!! Mettendoci impegno stai miglirando di giorno in giorno ... GRANDE!!!!!
  9. GREAT GREAT score.... !!!!!! Complimenti GABRY!!
  10. HIHIHIHI canaglia mi hai preso ... BRAVISSIMO punteggio eccezionale !!!
  11. Monstru 81k is for dual GPU not for physx ..... Great score Vince!!
  12. THANKS!!!! Yes Hondacity, asus is more stable compared to my old other mainboard socket 1155
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