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Everything posted by rsannino

  1. Hello guys, Sorry if I've been little exposed recently,but I do not have a good English! I hope I make myself understood and again forgive my mistakes! For me, little will change with the new teams. I just think you should do a step only. Only after you will delete the league PRO OC Now I will create the new team only for not be excluded from a hobby I love. So I WAS FORCED to do so, it is not a my real choice. Bye Roberto
  2. .... for low point i know , I have a very big hardware problem with temp < -55/60° C ....
  3. I read read read and still do not understand. I was asked to go to section PRO OC even if not sponsorized, I did it for my love for overclocking and now I was asked to do something unclear and away from the idea of ​​PRO OC. I'm really undecided about what to do, maybe I find some partners to form a team but that did not correspond to the idea that you have, You could do the same thing, leaving everything as it was before. I'll stay tuned to follow the evolution of the matter. Bye Roberto P.S. Sorry for the bad English.
  4. Thanks guys ... I have a very big problem with gpu ram .....
  5. eh yes, I will use the pcs kit, but very big problem is VGA ram (solutions? 3v. )
  6. Thanks .. now I need ram optimization for Physics and solve very low fps in GT3.....
  7. Thanks mates. Yes Mehdi, I will try to optimize the system.
  8. Yes I know, but my psc is not good, is not stable 2560 mhz ...
  9. Is one dcII and one matrix in cross
  10. Good Job VISS, and very very good CPU! Congratulations!!
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