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  1. I am in the middle of my ASRock A10 build, I got really sick though, So it was on hold for a few days. This will be my first water cooling effort also. Good luck to everyone! Ken
  2. I may be an old fart to you, but I am still young in my mind, and I enjoy tinkering with computers, I have some new parts on order, and some I have already received for a new AMD A10 build. I will be torturing it, and using water cooling for my first time. I may also swap the cold plate back to my FX8350 and try to get to 5.3mhz with it. In fact I know I will at some point.It is just my nature to see what I can do. I am sure that is how you feel about overclocking also. I will join the challenge sometime either this weekend or next week.
  3. I only use one GPU, so whats this challenge about, video card or CPU? Ken
  4. I have been having a problem with AuaMark3 that I haven't seen any info on. First off I downloaded it from the Bott and installed it' but it will not even open. Running win7 64 bit service pack 1 build 6.1.7601 build 7601. on an Asus M5A97 mobo with the latest driver 1605,
  5. Ever since todays server maintenance, or update I can no longer look up my prior benchmarks. When I select (My Submissions) it comes up like always with processor selected, when I click on anything else it reloads processor again, no matter what I choose. Can someone check into it, please? Much appreciated, thankyou! Ken
  6. Thank you! that worked!
  7. Pardon me for posting this here, but I did not see anywhere to post this. I have a problem with an HWBOT Unengine heaven post. I cannot find the right entry to get it to accept my AMD FX 8350, in the processor field. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you. Ken
  8. Wll I didn't get back to that one, But I did get to 5Ghz on air with SuperPi 1m. Heres a link to the submission. http://hwbot.org/submission/2362638_
  9. Dabnabit. I will get it straight from HWbot and rerun one. Thanks, Ken
  10. I just tried to submit a bench and get a java issue. Sorry, there are a few errors in the form. Please fix them and submit again. Failed to convert property value of type java.lang.String to required type java.lang.Short for property memT; nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedException: Unable to convert value "1T" from type java.lang.String to type java.lang.Short; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1T" benchmark scoremarks Use '.' as a delimiter, not ','. eg '25.91' is ok, '25,91' is not. Do not write units, just the number. Processor*1x2x3x4x8x @ MHz on select coolingStandard Stock CoolingAir CoolingWater CoolingTEC / Peltier CoolingDry Ice CoolingSingle Stage Phase Change CoolingCascade Phase Change CoolingLiquid NitrogenLiquid Helium Reference/IMC/QPI clockMHz Idle/load/ambient temperature °C Coldbug/coldbootbug °C Batch nr Videocard*1x2x3x4x @ / / MHz on select coolingStandard Stock CoolingAir CoolingWater CoolingTEC / Peltier CoolingDry Ice CoolingSingle Stage Phase Change CoolingCascade Phase Change CoolingLiquid NitrogenLiquid Helium All I did was choose Stock cooling.
  11. To bad it wasn't the Geforce 8500gt, I have one of those......... I put it in the wife's pc tilll I got a GTX550ti, and then a GTX650 so I put the GTX550ti in her pc so she wouldn't be to ^&(*#%$/upset and then bought 2 more GTX 550ti's. What a merrygoround...... LOL Ken
  12. Happy Holidays to everyone! Ken
  13. I do have another question though..... how come after a few days of no submitals my points go down? for instance from (7.1 to 6.8) Ken
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