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Everything posted by Jor3llBR/Elano

  1. I don't 'cry' about anything here but now that the bomb has gone off can HWbot.org remove these results produced by HIWA's cpu (only guy with such a retail i5 670) and posted by his teammate here: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1027255_pippo369_wprime_32m_core_i5_670_7sec_235ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1027258_pippo369_wprime_1024m_core_i5_670_3min_52sec_406ms This is Hiwa's i5 670 Retail.
  2. I tried deleting all Direcpll.dll in the system including the one in AQ3 directory, no luck. Board is going RMA...
  3. For H2O OC Guru is fine you don't need any mods and with better cooling and a 120mm fan blowing on the card you will get 1000/1350 or 1050/1400 w/ no mods. You won't see any benefits doing the VID mod for air or h20 maybe you will get worst results because the card will be too hot for that. VID mod only for Ln2 in my modest opinion.
  4. On AIR cooling with 1.3vgpu + 1.6vmem your results are pretty normal. Now if you do the VID mod and plan to cool w/ LN2 the sky is the limit, here's mine: 1.45vgpu + 1.65vmem + Ln2 (-135c):
  5. Sweet run! Now where the H3LL you guys are buying those cpus?
  6. OC Guru works fine for within the limits specified, if you want more voltage you will have to change VID's via a hardmod.
  7. Hey Bryan thanks for chiming in! Yes system was running at stock settings with air cooler.
  8. No go, exactly same thing happened on a 920 DO w/ a fresh Windows install. Only thing I have left to replace is the motherboard... I cannot believe this: "Hi I want to RMA my motherboard" "Why?" "It stopped running AQ3, it was running fine when I bought it but now it crashes" "Seriously?"
  9. Hey Leeg, no this is on Windows 7 x86 and XP x86. I tried on Xp, Vista and W7 x64 just to verify that this happens there too. Anyway I'm now testing a NEW cpu on a single partition fresh W7 x86 install... What can this be?
  10. Forgot to ad that this happens after I go inside AQ3 > Select Test Type > and click on standard test, then it halt's into that error... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV17fgRO-zs
  11. Hey Guys, It's been 2 days that I have battled this problem and I have come to a dead end. I pretty much tried EVERYTHING but a new cpu (Fresh install of all Oses, dif. psu, dif. ram, dif. vga cards etc, dif. versions direcpll, deleting direcpll etc). Here's the error (no mater in which windows version or vid. card I use): This same OS runs Vantage fine... Any ideas?
  12. Is it just me or PCMark05 should be rewarded more fairly? Just browse thru the HWBOT World Records page where most of the benches in the WR category receive 168 global points. Now I'm not asking to give the same amount of global points, which would be fair enough, but at least make the competition more interested in benching PCM5.
  13. Yes seeing it from that perspective it's not bad! Uncore was 4.7. I wish it was cold bug free to unlock full potential of this cpu.
  14. Hey Linux, Used those S.Talent Super Speed (3x2Gb).
  15. Thanks man! If only I still had my E8600+REX...
  16. Very nice Step! That MSI board is looking good!
  17. Yes me too Thor I started to play in HWbot not even because of the global I just wanted the Junkie Award! I got so mad when it was gone I started to bench for Globals :-)
  18. Sweet cpu Viper! Nice you keeping the 775 strong :-)
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