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Everything posted by bob80

  1. Oh sh** IE10 can't be used on Vista/7 .... only on W8.
  2. What a pity.... it looks like a very very intresting motherboard.... but without overclocking
  3. You should try to do a wprime
  4. Have you already tried IE10 ?
  5. Here the italian version of this review. Thanks Roman for the permission http://www.hwmaster.com/2012/04/03/recensione-evga-epower-board-untouchables/
  6. Serve un tolotto sulla cpu e un SS sulla scheda video
  7. It doesn't work on W8....I did only some tests and it didn't work at all. For me it works every time
  8. This is real overclocking.... you guys have the right hardware but also much skills
  9. You can do it much more better...
  10. It's a great results if we think that is obtained with vga @ stock cooling
  11. I live very much this ram pot beacause can be used not only with dominator .....
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