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ale belo

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Everything posted by ale belo

  1. Usa profilo ram Raja o fanne uno simile senza maxmem, è molto più efficiente
  2. Ah.... Use the Tgrizzly conductonaut, isolate the cpu with let for it
  3. Tamb 14C, use the pump in water tank with ice cube. Temp in tank 8C with Voltcraft 101/sondeK, Max in os 59C cb15, 51C spi32m in core0. The mounting is not in the center because otherwise it touches on the side of the ram. Cpu isolated with LET.
  4. ram over 800/810 nothing difference sigle or dual channel on am3
  5. 5300mhz is impossibile. Need to -70/-80C(dice/cascade or rotary). I think win10 is bugged. Wtf??? ?
  6. Saber is a bad board for spi,from my test is 7 sec slower than Giga.
  7. I CNC milled the base of the pot and made a thickness as wide as the "cage" of the copper socket for a correct support. Pot and support that replaces the ihs
  8. nice freq on ambient but am3+ is not good for hight fsb....chipset 890 is the way,Elpida BDBG or BBSE
  9. Bello vedere un veterano di nuovo dopo tempo,ottimo score!
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