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Everything posted by DrDominodog51

  1. Hello. I’m looking to buy a Z97 or Z87 OC Formula M. If any of y’all have one that you’re willing to sell, PM me. Thanks.
  2. The Fury is no longer available. Please lock this thread.
  3. You have a pm.
  4. I’m open to offers. I’d rather sell/trade this to someone who will bench the Fury over a random on fleebay.
  5. The E-Die is no longer available. Please lock this thread.
  6. The price has dropped to $250 + shipping.
  7. Trade for a 4930K and R4E pending.
  8. Up and price drop to $90 + shipping.
  9. Up and price drop to $255 + shipping.
  10. I'm not interested in another GPU right now, unfortunately. I forgot to include this in the original post, but, from my testing, this card exhibits no or very little performance impact from voltage being increased.
  11. Nope. All CUs are hardware locked.
  12. Hey everyone, For sale today is my Sapphire R9 Fury Nitro. The GPU core is an amazing overclocker (for a Fury anyway), and the HBM is quite good as well. The submissions below were done at less than (but close to) 1.368v Core and 1.35v HBM. I'm willing to part with the Fury for $265 plus shipping with payment being done over Paypal (buyer pays fees) or I'm willing to trade it for a R4E/R4E BE in good condition. Thanks.
  13. The price for the E-Die is now $110 including shipping to the US.
  14. Hey everyone, I've decided to get rid of my s1151 hardware, so I have no use for DDR4 anymore. Up for sale today is my 2x4 GB kit of G.Skill Ripjaws V 4000 19-21-21-41 E-Die. At 1.85v, I've run the kit at ~4000 13-19-19-28 1T (screenshot below), and it could likely do tighter with a better IMC, than my Celeron has, and more voltage. I have the original packaging for the kit, and am asking $130 for it including shipping to the US. I will ship to other countries, but the buyer will have to pay shipping. I'll take payment through Paypal only (buyer pays fees). Thanks. (And yes; I switched post-it notes between pictures for no apparent reason )
  15. I encountered the same message on my Skylake system running Win 7 Pro when I was doing some driver testing. I also found that the message does not appear in diagnostics mode when doing other testing.
  16. Aaannnnd it looks like I didn't send it... Anyway, would you be willing to ship #2 to the US, and, if so, what would be an estimated price?
  17. You have a PM for #2.
  18. Does anyone here have a copy of the latest DFI BIOS for the LP P45-T2RS (Non-plus version) or any modded BIOSes for it? My google skills have failed to find anything. Thanks.
  19. Just a heads up; the SPD tab in CPUz needs to be open for CC subs.
  20. Thanks for the heads up. The CPU is clocked at 29GHz in he HWBOT database for whatever reason. The sub appears to be fine.
  21. I just tested this in Firefox. Noscript states a script from crypto-loot .com is attempting to run. Try adding that domain to your hosts file.
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