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Everything posted by Rosty

  1. 5960X 3424B585 4.5 GHz at 1.27v, boot in win at 5 GHz with 1.55v cooling corsair H110
  2. lækkert gfx ven, er det modelen med full cover kølehoved ?
  3. tak gamle dreng så skal der bare noget kulde på, så jeg kan få bclk'en med op på de 110
  4. i cant do 1300 mhz c7 on psc on ocf 1.80 bios, i can on 1.70 and 1.60
  5. Vivi she's a nice lady then, god chip :9
  6. Thanks Calathea hehe good luck to you to
  7. i dont know.. is there any Vmod for more Vcore, or is the chip limited to 2.0v i go for Giga, and try out the superpi contest
  8. there is alot of fun benching the small APU http://valid.canardpc.com/2890998
  9. things go very well, down under
  10. have you tried right click on the OCX, and run as.. ?
  11. hey i got the OCF-M, i cant boot with the memory divider at 3000 MHz, i can boot in 3080 MHz with the divider at 2933, and push the bclk up. is it the memory, cpu, or can it be fixed in a bios update ? i used Samsung chip it's a very nice board to bench on, very stable on cold, i have only tested it on SS'er and dice, looking forward to do some ln2 on it
  12. thanks.. mem 2.09v cpu and mem on singlestage -40
  13. 5.57.547 1467 MHz samsung http://hwbot.org/submission/2411326_rosty_superpi___32m_core_i7_4770k_5min_57sec_547ms?recalculate=true thanks to Splave for the RTL-IO guide
  14. 5.58.609 http://hwbot.org/submission/2401054_rosty_superpi___32m_core_i7_4770k_5min_58sec_609ms?recalculate=true
  15. batch L312B350 on SS'er 32M 1.25v uncore 1.4v Wprime 1.27v
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