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Leeghoofd last won the day on March 12

Leeghoofd had the most liked content!

About Leeghoofd

  • Birthday 03/22/1973


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    Hwbot supreme court

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Leeghoofd's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. No mobo nor memory tab, be more accurate with your screenshot!
  2. Welcome to Hyperless Havoc by TAGG, ShaggySVK and Ground Hardware: any CPU that fits into 1366 any RAM except Elpida Hyper (TAGG and Ground will be checking plausibility - Mem Kit pics required) DIY sticks are allowed (as long as not Elpida Hyper) no populated second CPU socket allowed Rules: Standard Hwbot verification rules apply + SPD Tab Legacy CPU-Z allowed no cooling restrictions Verification screenshots must contain official Hyperless Havoc wallpaper All scores must include a picture of the benching rig as well as a picture of the memory sticks used with labels or IC text visible if OEM / DIY sticks judges may request video proof In case of a tie SuperPi 32M stage is the tiebreaker The following benchers are exempt from prices: Ground, ShaggySVK, TAGG, Tapakah Benchmarks: Stage 1: 65P Superpi 32M with Benchmate 4505MHz/4505MHz Stage 2: 65P Pyprime 2B with Benchmate 4505MHz/4505MHz Stage 3: 65P Y-cruncher 1B with Benchmate 4505MHz/4505MHz Stage 4: 15P Mem Clock x58a-oc banned (Bonus Round)
  3. Rules: Verification screenshots includes CPUZ tabs for CPU, MB, Memory and a SPD tab per memory module So we need to have 2 X SPD tabs visible when using 2 dimms:
  4. Rules: Verification screenshots includes CPUZ tabs for CPU, MB, Memory and a SPD tab per memory module So we need to have 2 X SPD tabs visible when using 2 dimms:
  5. Rules: Verification screenshots includes CPUZ tabs for CPU, MB, Memory and a SPD tab per memory module So we need to have 2 X SPDs tab visible when using 2 dimms:
  6. always add CPU-Z tabs for CPU and memory in the verifaction screenshot before saving
  7. Rules: Verification screenshots includes CPUZ tabs for CPU, MB, Memory and a SPD tab per memory module So we need to have 2 X SPD tab visible when using 2 dimms
  8. Morning, I moved your subs from the 2008 account to the 2018 one... the old 2008 account is deleted now Tim will take care of further merging ( hwbot vs Forum )
  9. Maybe try another windows7 , any drivers installed ?
  10. mail it to me I'll add it so it counts for regaular ranking sir
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