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Leeghoofd last won the day on December 2

Leeghoofd had the most liked content!

About Leeghoofd


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    Hwbot supreme court

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. pm
  2. Use one stick to match the 16GB requirement
  3. Spot check failed, a software related bug
  4. Could be related as this score has been reported by another user, however it still counts in the average EDIT: indeed was the case; Varachio's score got flagged due to missing URL
  5. An UL benchmarks verification link is required
  6. as long as you don't use the same memory on different setups it's all good So yes it can be the same brand but different SPD specs, different ICs, different memory size per stick,...
  7. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/_b650i_ax/
  8. Always add CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory to each 2D screenshot, even when using BenchMate. For 3D also a GPUZ is required. Check out the rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  9. Always add CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory to each 2D screenshot, even when using BenchMate. For 3D also a GPUZ is required. Check out the rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  10. Always add CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory to each 2D screenshot, even when using BenchMate. For 3D also a GPUZ is required. Check out the rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  11. Always add CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory to each 2D screenshot, even when using BenchMate. For 3D also a GPUZ is required. Check out the rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  12. Always add CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory to each 2D screenshot, even when using BenchMate. For 3D also a GPUZ is required. Check out the rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  13. Always add CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory to each 2D screenshot, even when using BenchMate. For 3D also a GPUZ is required. Check out the rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  14. Always add CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory to each 2D screenshot, even when using BenchMate. For 3D also a GPUZ is required. Check out the rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
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