Welcome to Hyperless Havoc by TAGG, ShaggySVK and Ground
any CPU that fits into 1366
any RAM except Elpida Hyper (TAGG and Ground will be checking plausibility - Mem Kit pics required) DIY sticks are allowed (as long as not Elpida Hyper)
no populated second CPU socket allowed
Standard Hwbot verification rules apply + SPD Tab
Legacy CPU-Z allowed
no cooling restrictions
Verification screenshots must contain official Hyperless Havoc wallpaper
All scores must include a picture of the benching rig as well as a picture of the memory sticks used with labels or IC text visible if OEM / DIY sticks
judges may request video proof
In case of a tie SuperPi 32M stage is the tiebreaker
The following benchers are exempt from prices: Ground, ShaggySVK, TAGG, Tapakah
Stage 1: 65P Superpi 32M with Benchmate 4505MHz/4505MHz
Stage 2: 65P Pyprime 2B with Benchmate 4505MHz/4505MHz
Stage 3: 65P Y-cruncher 1B with Benchmate 4505MHz/4505MHz
Stage 4: 15P Mem Clock x58a-oc banned (Bonus Round)