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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Your GT1 tells the tale, that's pure CPU, should be easily 2800-3000fps
  2. How does it handle load, any numbers?
  3. we already redid the globals on friday... CPUZ, Ref & memory frequency, geek 4 single core, X265 4K are done... Only remaining is CBR11.5 (this one stops at the Q6600)
  4. 80% is completed, but it seems CPUZ, CB R11.5 & Wprime 1024 did not fully complete. we are checking it
  5. Scripted Recalc has started, should be completed by the end of the day
  6. you just need to check the benchmark list, if it's no longer listed, than we don't support it anymore
  7. HWBOT Prime is over and done as there is zero support. It has gone to alpha state, meaning no more points nor ranking integration... Don't waste your time and cycles on it....
  8. https://hwbot.org/hardware/diskproduct/optane_memory_h10/ https://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_ddr/
  9. Single GPU submissions only. Artwork is done, lemme know when you want to start the compo guys
  10. Why start next week, who has their card(s) already? Initial compo page is configured, lemme know if more needs to be added gents
  11. MSI Z690 Unify-X Non K OC bios ( bioses: A22TC, A22TH (C for C0 stepping, H for H0 stepping)
  12. K here they finally are, before we start to explain what and why we did it, take note that there will never be a point system that will suit everybody! Some will love it, others will loath it. Nevertheless this new point system will be one of the last things we wanted to implement before the programmer can focus in full on a new HWBOT, completely build from scratch. Last thing on our agenda is the merging of the "With BenchMate" benchmarks with the standard ones. But we require Mat's cooperation to make the latter happen. K now back to the point system... The Old Boints: I completely lost track of how many different versions of HWBot have passed over the years, however there was one certitude: each release sported its own drama. Even though I’m practically part of the Furniture here, I have no easy explenation how the latest algorithm was ticking. Without being a programmer, it was clearly noticeable that the recalculations were all over the place. Users also tended to loose points due to an incorrect triggered recalculation. Who hasn't seen something like the below picture highlights Lots of zero pointers, identical points, point discrepancies between your attributed points and the others,... One starts to wonder why some of these irregularities were never fixed... as many of these bugs have been present for many revisions/years... Other thing we spotted though was that the recalculation was only being performed for the top 100/200 scores. The new programmer discovered there was intentional code implemented specifically for that goal.. The recalc button was still great for individual score recalculation, but failed hard for complete rankings. Meaning more manual labour from the mdoeration Team to get some rankings fixed. And the list goes on... but let us focus on the present and leave the past behind... The New Boints: Most important thing we wanted to address with the new point system is that it is understandable for everybody. Meaning you no longer require a master degree in rocket science. Secondly the old competitive, skill rewarding algorithm was in most cases very unfair for the ambient overclockers. Thus we focussed on providing more "rewarding" points for OCer's down the ranking. Thirdly the point recalculation needs to be triggered with each new sub, so we want to avoid having the same issues as in the past. Last but not least the original point calculation was fully handled by the database Server. Making the Bot slow down and become even fully non responsive. Instead of rewriting once more the old bugged code, Tim (our programmer) had the idea to code a memory wrapper for the main Production site that could attribute points versus a fixed position. While I was not into that idea at start, it slowly began to grow on me while conducting tests on the UAT Test server. What we noticed was that the UAT site became more responsive and the point calculation was way faster and less bug prone versus the old code. So what did we implement exactly? After some trials and feedback of our members we implemented the current setup by using thresholds. Let us take the Global points as an example: As you can see it is pretty straightforward to grasp how it actually ticks. We went with the popularity of the hardware to specify a threshold. Thus dumping the reference versus the high score or them competitive skill level uber complex algorithms. Thus the principle is :The more people that bench it, the more boints most will will get ( this IF we cross that specific threshold ) The Globals boints Thresholds are: Less than 25 subs: nr 1 gets 15pts Less than 51 subs: nr 1 gets 30pts Less than 75 subs: nr 1 gets 65pts(2D) or 75pts(3D) Less than 125 subs: nr1 gets 90pts Less than 175 subs: nr 1 gets 105pts Less than 225 subs: nr 1 gets 125pts Equal or More than 225 subs: nr 1 gets 161pts(2D) or 169pts(3D) The Hardware Boints Thresholds are: Less than 7 subs: nr1 gets 6pts Less than 25 subs: nr1 gets 15pts Less than 55 subs: nr1 gets 35pts Less than 105 subs: nr1 gets 50pts Less than 181 subs: nr1 gets 62pts Equal or More than 181 subs: nr1 gets 70pts An example of Global points change (with one extra added submission), therefore passing the threshold of less than 25 subs: Threshold: Less than 25 subs: nr 1 gets 15pts Now if one new submission is made to the 14X CPU category ( doesn't matter brand nor model) the boints will double to 30pts as we end up in Threshold 2: Less than 51 subs: nr 1 gets 30pts What does this mean for you? For the Top3 there's still a point gap, but it is no longer that big of a point gap, this to enhance competitiveness. Boint distribution is no longer linked to the highest score, but is now linked to the amount of submissions (aka popularity). Again enhancing competiveness. There's no longer the possibility of an equal point distribution before reaching the minimum of 2 points. Users down the ranking will be awarded with more "motivational" boints than before. e.g. While you only got 0.1 point at spot 240 before you know might get 8 pts or more. 3D benchers can be more competitive for the overal OCer ranking, even though they still have less classes to compete in. Zero pointers (unless already bugged) and irregular points distribution are no more. Front page will be more responsive. Your user profile/rank probably will get a boost, but take into account that your old profile might probably be bugged. ... It will require some users to bench differently to maintain their position in the seasonal ranking. (Typical for each point revision). On the left we see the old Hardware boints system, on the right column the new one. Since we didn't want to take the Bot offline like last time (over 9 days), we opted to go with slow ( and at the moment manual ) recalculation. This allowed me to fix tons of bugged subs ( zero pointers, double/triple subs, hardware submitted in the wrong core category,...) Take note that no changes have been done (yet) to the Team powerpoints, nor the distribution of the globals/hardware points for the career/seasonal league, neither any changes did take place on the achievements page! Also this new pts system doesn't fix the 15th out of 14th ranking! That's another coding bug we need to tackle! From next week we will script the recalculation, this will implies we will count on your cooperation. If your eagly eyes spot any discrepancy in the ranking/points let us know as soon as possible by Private Messaging Leeghoofd (if possible add the required links and/or add an explenation)
  13. Only s775 is done atm, however if you sub a new score that hardware will be recalculated automatically
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