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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Use Realtime for CB and a proper dialed in Operating and SubSystem
  2. Thans to many for the kids words, seems some others still don't understand how this site/hobby & community functions. I think Scotties post is spot on, it's not about me, but to all those hat invested lots of time and effort to keep the site up and running. Trying to make it as fun as it could be. Similar to daily live, we have to impose rules and regulations to keep things structurized and fair to everyone. There are always problems and learning moments, like now. Does the site have issues, ofcourse! I'm the first to admit that, but again this is mainly because we are constantly evolving and the lack of manpower or manhours makes things on the coding side even harder. It's like a new bios, fix one thing break two other things. Patience is a virtue people! Just to burst your bubble, this site tries to run break even and is currently based on two main income/event sources: G.Skill and Galax competitions. I don't need to tell you that due to Galax not hosting an event due to regional tensions, we will not even achieve break even this year. So a big hand to Frederik who invest his own money in this site to pay for the server and other costs. We have seen other times with big sponsorship, but the ROI ( Return of Investment ) is always killed by our own community. Leading to sponsors to drop out or just not even adhering to the agreed deals. I have no clue why but no matter which generation of OCers I look at, I can always label ourselves as being Self Destructive. In the golden times when I was still as young and sexy as many are now, we had numerous world wide competitions. Most vendors didn't have in house benchers so they relied on the knowledge and feedback of the community. Nowadays they have in-house benchers, because these selected people will not turn into the super greedy species some companies had to deal with before. Some examples: I have witnessed big shot OCers claiming all the samples that they used during an event or even what the fluck just touched. In a dedicated OC lab I even saw sports bags open and a few OCers just putting in binned graphics cards, without even asking for the samples. And there are tons more examples how, WE, the community just keep on shooting in our own feet. Usually it is just a few individuals that mess things up for all the rest. Bussines as usual, year after year, leading to the vendors dropping out one by one. Biggest loss on the previous was when Massman decided to leave, he was the main contact with all the major companies. Companies we needed, to provide samples to the moderators to check out the new hardware BEFORE it hit the shelves, providing site sponsorship and the already mentioned prizes for the hosted events at HWBot. Ney, Websmile, Strunkenbold kept it running but the numerous encountered frustrations with the members all made them to leave. If something is wrong or not up to our own likings, the blaming finger immediately points straight at HWbot or the moderator that apparently doesn't like your latest brilliant idea. Question: do you as an employee will do the same with your boss? Probably not as he provides your income. So why do this on a site which is free of charge and which allows us to have fun? Beats me, I can only label this an act of lack of respect. If I'm overlooking this particular thread you can clearly distinct the different interest and understandings of some of our users. We always spot the same types and characters: the all knowing, the sensible, the smartass ake -, the I-want-to-have-the-last-word and other types. I guess most of us are grown ups, but why act so childish or even turn into a freaking spoiled brat? Too bad the thread was already moderated as it might have been very educational to read some of the removed content. It is time we all look in the mirror and ask ourselves the question: am I doing it right? What do people actually think of me? Am I the next big thing? Why is OC going backwards? Why can't we just press run the benchmark, why do we feel the need to tinker with the free software to get a better score? Self reflection might help with many, some are just lost cases that will never grasp it. Anyway to sum up, I decided to stay as I don't want the kill this site. The current and old HWBot team has devoted way too much to just allow it to go down. But I hope everybody understands now that some will need to tone down, no matter how convinced you are that you are right, a simple No is a No. Stop acting like a 10 year old! Can we please everybody? Nope but we got for the community , not just you, the individual!!! The Moderation Team will be reinforced with Matthew Bush and hopefully the integration of BenchMate will still be done before end of year. Leeghoofd out
  3. K guys it's all up to you now, who want's to be the new head moderator, forumadmin and competition designer at once? Have a nice stay
  4. everything was moderated and ranking is final.. will check with Fred what is going on
  5. Allen's imaginary friends are here ?
  6. nope, we still require at this moment 2 CPU-Z screens (for CPU & MEM)
  7. Nope one is sli or crossfire other stage is for single card with 2 gpus onboard... Will recheck for Timespy
  8. I didn't even knew there was a request from you Matt :p
  9. OC will always be a balance between Cost ans Fun... HWBot tried to make it more E-sports-like, Even though I liked the 30 minute 1 V 1 format at the World Tour stops it was still not super interesting to watch some guys try to run and rerun the same benchmark over and over again, bluescreening,... till nailing the score and move on or claim the final victory. The current Vloggers are doing a great job and this is the way to go and promote the hobby. Hope you guys can keep up the spirit!!
  10. "On request, the 10th anniversary will be a mixture of the stages from the previous Country Cups. aiming for 14 stages in total"
  11. I just got this email from Roman Der8auer: Hey, please for the future contact Jannik for the deal: j.froehlich@thermal-grizzly.com He will sort it and ship the 37g tubes directly in person As in the past please tell that it's the HWBOT deal and include the shipping address. Thanks, Roman I'll update the original post too
  12. yep txt file here, on all my USB keys, jsut to be sure ?
  13. And what do you think the Challenger series are all about? Its not only about Team and Country Cup...
  14. Well I guess its also partly up to the numerous Vloggers/streamers we have here to promote eg the hassle free BenchMate benching. Joe will do one slacker version next week, maybe @Wizerty , @unityofsaints and co can chime in... we can share these on the front page
  15. Yep, fun for the AMD unlockers. On remark two: nope its single core score, doesn't always need to be the same right.... Still in the middle to allow Y-cruncher or GPUPI or maybe the new added benchmak in the upcoming version of BenchMate, as I just recalled many had y-cruncher submission issues in a previous compo, Will talk to Mythical
  16. don't block the rendered scene of CB R15... Benchmate will soon test the integrity of the rendered file, but for now it has to be as visible aspossible. No need for GPUZ, this is a 2D score so you need to show CPUZ CPU and memory tab!
  17. Well if you can get access to vendors for prizes be my guess David, I don't have time to lobby for that. I wanted to get something done for Country Cup but lost track of time Regarding new hardware I think that is what the Challengers and Country Cup (excluding 2019 edition) are for. Many were happy with Team CUP regarding the fact that the need for new aka expensive hardware was low. My biggest challenges in OC is the nr of OSses to get the efficiency of the platform right per benchmark,. Coinciding the labour it takes to get these decently running takes sometimes more time than to actually bench the hardware lol. I really hope Intel can fix the XTU, this is an easy benchmark that can attract people to the OC world and it is a stress tool in one BenchMate will be a big bonus too, we will see how the integration develops this week
  18. benchmate scores will be integrated with the other subs in the near future. For now you can take the screenshot from the benchmate result folder and sub these in the non benchmate categories... safe and points = win win
  19. Always interested on another approach or other point of view how to make OC more interesting and/or the compos more challenging
  20. And btw don't report scores done on Win7.... ?
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