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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. minz froze or artifacted heavily with 1400 sideport memory, stay 1333 or below... good luck
  2. go 1300 core mate !! No don't darn you just topped me out of the top 3
  3. works fab here, maybne it's somi anti german, Uk thingy Indeed it's darn slow...
  4. There are even better pictures of Marc coming up, sadly of me too prolly... I just advise you to look at them upcoming pictures without having any food nor drinks in ya mouth. This to avoid spraying it all over ya keyboard or monitor... @SOF : if there's any sort of article pops up , link me to it plz Kind regards Albrecht
  5. Massman = slavedriver AOCM rocks = will mention the event in a few upcoming reviews to get a larger crowd next year 1 ) SOF you are a madman, thx Boris and Kovsk for the Pwm coolers 2) Thx to Neoforce and M Beier for supporting grumpy Massman 3) Thx Michael for having us, great organisation, loads of crazy people outthere
  6. Haha wished I had a 35K score, it was just a tease to get the admins going Your score is not bad Nick, but I think you are going down once Chew starts pouring LN2
  7. Good score Nick , but Chew probably will be back with a vengeance
  8. 34K should be easy Chew* with some CPU powaaaaaaaaa, I'm gonna, try to breach try to breach 31K lol this weekend... damn I suck
  9. Good work there Chew mate on air... MSIMAX is going down hard once you pour LN2 over ya setup...
  10. "The result you are trying to view has been set private by the owner or deleted"
  11. look here mate : Modded SLI drivers by Tin and co Before we needed to mod the dat file and co... just install drivers of preference and run the SLI tool... simple as that... Have fun...
  12. 3D01 = use WinXP (expect 3-4K gain in points over Win7) set UMA, gives a nice boost !
  13. Maybe we can add the 3dmark save file for validation ? Well MAssman I must say amasing work as you even work on a sunday for Hwbot Frederik must make you employee of the month
  14. I wish Hwbot crew would skip the submission link... as more 890GX users will follow... I want to post my 35K score
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