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Everything posted by Radi

  1. 3770k : 3218c050 run pi 1m at 6802mhz but bad imc news 3770k : 3218B i hope this one is better .
  2. 3770k : 3218c050 run pi 1m at 6802mhz but bad imc news 3770k : 3218B i hope this one is better .
  3. hy the core 2 x6800 is authorizes for this level ? thanks
  4. your cpuz smoke too much ?!?! 2.22 vcore ...
  5. :woot: it's a good news !
  6. merci christian mais tu te débrouille plutôt bien aussi eeky j'etait fou devant, y monte y monte ....
  7. rhooooooooooo la photos des beau gosses . gg les gars ca fait plaisir de voir l'oc fr qui roxx ainsi
  8. thanks for challenge . i have 655k ! where i can find hexusfastr ?
  9. hy where i can find the pifast " hexusfastr " ? thanks
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