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Everything posted by niobium615

  1. Quick question, having an issue with GPUPI. I'm doing 32B runs on a 1080Ti, they'll complete just fine and the checksum appears to be right. If I save the validation file, I get the normal message saying that the file was saved successfully. However, if I try to immediately validate that same file, I get the following error: "The result file was successfully decrypted, but the data is invalid[invalid XML data]". Tried validating the file on another computer to no avail, any ideas?
  2. Bump, still looking for a NB pot Edit:Picked up a CPU pot, I'll leave this here in case anyone happens to have a NB pot.
  3. Thanks, already in contact with him actually. Just picked up a GPU pot, but still looking for a CPU pot and a NB pot.
  4. You wouldn't happen to have any of the LN2 pots still, would you?
  5. I'm interested in getting into sub-ambient benching, so I'm looking for an LN2 pot. Primarily looking for a CPU pot, but I'd also be interested in a GPU pot(and maybe even a NB pot if anyone happens to still have one of those laying around). Looking for a fairly modern design(not looking for a DICE pot), but I don't have my mind set on anything in particular, so feel free to make offers. Hoping to stay around $150 max for each pot, but I might be willing to push that a bit higher, just shoot me offers. Located in NY-USA. I know I don't have much rep on here, but I've got a few confirmed trades over at reddit.com/r/hardwareswap under the same username; sold a GTX1080 there a few months ago and I've bought/sold various other things. Thanks in advance!
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